Resisting The Mirage🌹

2024-03-28 13:54
发布于 Mirror

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

For quite some time now, we've been living lives that blend the physical with the digital, forming a hybrid existence. Our attachment to devices has become all-encompassing, at times disconnecting us from our physical surroundings. Initially, this fusion struck a balance, but lately, it seems we've turned more toward the digital realm. Looking ahead, I believe this trend will only intensify in our daily lives. Amidst numerous discussions about the effects of this digital age on people, I want to specify one crucial aspect—the loss of connection with ourselves, our authenticity, and our uniqueness—largely influenced by the digital world, particularly through social media platforms.

From the moment we wake up until we close our eyes at night, social media threads itself intricately into the fabric of our lives. While it can serve as a positive force if used intelligently, for many, it proves detrimental. With a simple swipe, people are transported into a world of digital illusions. Their screens flood with images of opulence, videos showcasing extravagant lifestyles, and snapshots of idyllic vacations, captivating their hearts and minds. These digital incentives sow seeds of desire, prompting people to emulate the lives they see, covet what others possess, and yearn for the perceived success emitting from these curated online personas.

Yet, what few of us realize as we disconnect from these captivating illusions and return to the reality of our own lives is that in our quest to mirror the lives of others, we risk losing sight of our own identities, sacrificing authenticity for a hollow imitation. We fail to grasp that chasing someone else’s happiness will never lead to our own fulfillment. Whether we achieve the wealth, status, or recognition of those we covet, we'll never truly possess what those people on our screens appear to have.

The “allure” of imitation, the dichotomy of wealth, and the transformative power of staying true to oneself have inhabited my thoughts for a long time, yet I never had the opportunity to organize my ideas and share them with the world in this format. I firmly believe that many of the world’s issues stem from the desire to emulate others and follow their paths instead of forging our own. I've come to realize that in a world focused on emulation, being true to ourselves is the most revolutionary act of all. It is the true wealth that social media fails to present—or perhaps it does, but we often fail to recognize it.

Perfection reigns supreme in this world. Flawless faces, extravagant possessions, and exotic locales serve as the currency of validation—a world meticulously curated to evoke desire and envy. It presents us with a relentless parade of opulence and extravagance, drawing many into its illusion and causing them to lose touch with themselves, focusing on what they “should” have rather than what they truly want.

Yet, in my perspective, beneath the surface, much of what we see is nothing but a façade—a carefully constructed illusion crafted to elicit admiration and emulation. If we were to look behind the glamour, we'd find insecurities, struggles, and imperfections—elements that we all share as human beings.

How many of us, eager to emulate the lives of others, have paused to reflect on the journey and realized that what we've embarked upon is merely a never-ending cycle of comparison and dissatisfaction? Instead of focusing on our own paths, we measure our worth against the perceived successes of those we “admire”, seeking validation in likes, followers, and comments. Regardless of our efforts to replicate their achievements, we perpetually find ourselves falling short of an elusive standard.

This difficulty arises from the “allure” of emulation, which doesn’t solely lie in the desire to possess what others have but also in the belief that their lives are inherently more fulfilling and meaningful than our own. We work to convince ourselves that if only we could reach their level of success, happiness would be ours for the taking. Yet, in my opinion, and unfortunately for most, the truth is far more complex than the images we see on our screens.

In the pursuit of emulation, a journey that many of us undertake, we risk losing sight of our own identities, surrendering our authenticity for a hollow imitation. We become trapped in a web of comparison and conformity, unconsciously sacrificing our individuality on the altar of societal approval. What we must understand, and what I believe to be the quiet truth of all this, is that our worth is not defined by the possessions we own or the lifestyles we lead. True fulfillment lies not in chasing someone else’s happiness but in embracing ourselves—finding happiness and excitement in who and what we are, embracing our uniqueness and authenticity.

While I acknowledge that much of the content we see is curated by ourselves, algorithms often push content towards us based on what others are viewing, trapping us in a cycle of living a life we think we should rather than what we truly desire. Amidst all the superficial content, one particular type stands out: content stemming from people’s obsession with money and wealth. This content is often produced by "gurus" who exploit individuals’ desires for validation and gratification. On the opposite end of these gurus, are some people who have achieved success authentically—ones who can truly be considered "gurus" and from whom we should draw inspiration. Unfortunately, we tend to gravitate towards the former.

I like to classify these two types of "gurus" as two of the many faces of wealth. Allow me to delve deeper into how I perceive their impact on our connection with our true selves…

The first face of wealth, embodied by these fake “gurus”, represents people seeking to exploit our yearning for immediate success. Through slick marketing campaigns and alluring promotions, they lure us into a realm of quick fixes and instant solutions. From online “academies” promising overnight success to get-rich-quick schemes peddling false hope, these opportunistic beings (they don’t deserve to be called “human beings”) prey on our insecurities and vulnerabilities, offering a shortcut to the life of our dreams. Yet, beneath the surface of glamour they present, lies a stark reality. Much of what they showcase—the flashy displays of success—is but a mirage, fabricated to enrich themselves at our expense. They profit from our naivety, selling us illusions of grandeur. It doesn’t cost much to rent a private jet for a photo shoot or book a villa on Airbnb for a few hours to shoot those lavish videos, and the list goes on. But how many of us see beyond the surface? How many are willing to acknowledge that they are merely scammers seeking to amass wealth by deceiving others, and exploiting their dreams? Though, their wealth is built on deceit and manipulation, destined to crumble beneath the weight of its own falsehoods…

In stark contrast to the fake “gurus”, there are genuine people—true human beings—who have achieved success through hard work, determination, and authenticity. Their stories should inspire and uplift, their journeys serving as a testament to the power of perseverance and integrity.

Whether we consider entrepreneurs who have built empires from the ground up or artists who have honed their craft through years of dedication, these people embody the essence of true success. Upon closer examination, we realize that for them, wealth is not measured in material possessions, but in the lives they touch and the legacies they leave behind. They find fulfillment in pursuing their passions every day, living the lives they desire rather than conforming to societal expectations.

Despite being at opposite ends of the spectrum, these two faces of wealth share a common thread: authenticity. It is authenticity that distinguishes the genuine from the fake, the lasting from the fleeting. Those who remain true to themselves, refusing to compromise their values or integrity in pursuit of wealth, are the ones who ultimately achieve lasting success.

Amidst the allure of wealth that has intoxicated our minds and hearts, one of the greatest viruses we must confront is the loss of sight of authenticity's importance. We've forgotten that true wealth lies not in what we possess, but in who we are.

We find ourselves amidst chaos, one perpetuated by the facades and masks people wear. In this chaotic environment, authenticity serves as the guiding light. It's a quality that sets people apart, resonating on a deeply human level. While for many, authenticity may have become merely a buzzword or a passing trend, for me, it has always been a fundamental aspect of our identity—a reflection of our true selves.

Authenticity, to me, would be defined as being genuine, transparent, and true to oneself. It is the courage to embrace our imperfections, celebrate our uniqueness, and remain steadfast in our values and beliefs. Authenticity isn't about conforming to societal norms or fitting into predefined molds; it's about embracing our individuality and expressing it authentically in everything we do. It's about living as we want, not as we should.

Though intangible, authenticity yields the most profound impact in both personal and professional spheres of life. When we embody authenticity, we naturally attract like-minded people who resonate with our values and vision. It fosters trust and credibility, as others recognize and appreciate our sincerity and integrity. In every aspect of life, whether in business, relationships, creative endeavors, or any other pursuit, genuine connections and meaningful interactions can only be cultivated through authenticity.

Moreover, authenticity breathes life into innovation and creativity. By embracing our unique perspectives and experiences, we infuse our work with fresh, original approaches. This empowers us to think beyond conventional boundaries, challenge the status quo, and pioneer new paths. I believe embracing our authentic selves is the key to unlocking our full creative potential.

Above all, authenticity leads us to true fulfillment and happiness. When we live in alignment with our values and passions, we discover a profound sense of purpose and meaning that transcends material wealth or external validation. It enables us to embrace life's joys and challenges with grace and resilience.

Yet, because many have lost touch with authenticity, with someone not even being aware of its existence, I believe that to obtain it there is a journey to be undertaken as…

Authenticity is not a destination to be reached but a journey to be embraced—a journey of self-awareness, growth, and self-expression.

What leads me to believe that we have lost this connection, failing to recognize the importance and impact of authenticity in our lives, is the bombardment of societal expectations and cultural norms from an early age. These external pressures shape our growth, leaving us feeling inadequate, insecure, and disconnected from our true selves, thus making the journey of self-acceptance seem nearly impossible.

Yet, I firmly believe that each of us possesses an innate voice deep within—a voice that whispers of our inherent worth and potential. It is the voice of authenticity, urging us to embrace our uniqueness and live life on our own terms. However, embracing this voice and making an impact needs courage, resilience, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. It catalyzes authenticity's journey, one that begins with self-awareness.

We must deeply understand and accept who we are. This understanding compels us to confront our fears, insecurities, and limiting beliefs head-on, embracing our imperfections as integral parts of our identity. It is this element that broadens our perspectives, enabling us to discern the difference between what we truly want and what society tells us we should want. With this newfound clarity, we are empowered to forge our own paths with confidence and conviction.

Yet, how could we truly embrace ourselves without love and compassion? Often, we are our own harshest critics, berating ourselves for our perceived flaws and failures. We need to cultivate a sense of love and kindness towards ourselves. We need to acknowledge our strengths and accomplishments and forgive ourselves for our mistakes. It is through self-love that we find the path to true self-acceptance, and to live authentically, unapologetically, and wholeheartedly.

The things I’ve mentioned thus far can be done solely with ourselves, but there can even be external influences that can help us in this journey of self-acceptance. We are humans, and we thrive the most in the company of others, and thus the other element that can play an essential role in this journey is to surround ourselves with supportive and uplifting people. Creating a strong support system can provide the encouragement, guidance, and validation we need to navigate the complexities of the journey we’ve embarked on. It is through meaningful and authentic relationships that we find solace, inspiration, and acceptance in a world that often, and often indirectly, seeks to tear us down.

And yet, amidst all that I've discussed, I want to return to the beginning and emphasize that this journey is an ongoing process rather than a defined destination. It's a journey of self-discovery, self-empowerment, and self-transformation, demanding immense patience, perseverance, and self-reflection. Those who embark on this journey will undoubtedly encounter numerous challenges and setbacks, but amidst the darkness, there is light. The path will also be filled with moments of joy, fulfillment, and profound personal growth—it marks the beginning and cultivation of one's true wealth.

Although the process of self-acceptance is ongoing, the journey of "Resisting the Mirage" has a final destination, one that I am about to unveil shortly. But before doing so, I leave you with a few more thoughts, two pieces of art, and two wonderful artists.

I urge you now to take a moment and contemplate the significance of embracing our true selves in a world that often seeks to mold us into something we are not. In our pursuit of wealth, status, and validation, we often look externally, failing to realize that all these treasures reside within us. In a society that celebrates conformity and uniformity, being true to oneself becomes a radical act of defiance—a declaration of independence from the constraints of societal expectations and cultural norms. It serves as a testament to the power of individuality, self-expression, and self-empowerment.

And I wholeheartedly agree that this is not easy to do. We must gather the courage to stand firm in the face of criticism, to embrace our uniqueness, and to live life on our own terms. We need to be vulnerable, revealing our true selves, flaws and all, and embracing the messy, imperfect beauty of being human.

Yet, I firmly believe that by embracing authenticity, we find liberation. We free ourselves from the shackles of comparison, judgment, and self-doubt, stepping into the fullness of who we are meant to be. We reclaim our power, our voice, and our agency, forging our own path with confidence and conviction. We begin to live the life we truly want, not the one we should.

So, I implore you: embrace your quirks, your passions, your dreams, and most importantly, your true self. Let them guide you toward a life full of fulfillment, purpose, and joy. You are enough just as you are! You are beautiful! Follow your heart! Cherish your uniqueness! Be yourself!

And to end from where we began, I want you to remember the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson:

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”


View on OpenSea

Zaahirah, a name whispered on the winds of cultural fusion, embodies the defiance of societal norms and the celebration of individuality. With roots intertwined in African and Asian heritage, she stands as a testament to the beauty found in embracing one's authentic self.

Her presence commands attention, a beacon of strength and resilience in a world that often seeks conformity. Zaahirah's essence is a symphony of rebellion and grace, a reminder that true beauty lies in the unapologetic expression of one's identity.

In her gaze, we glimpse the untamed spirit of a woman who refuses to be confined by labels or expectations, a living testament to the power of self-discovery and self-love.


Taya is a photographer whom I recently discovered through one of the people I cherish the most, Amir, who has become a true inspiration for me in my journey. She has recently embarked on the journey of NFTs, on the liberating path of building a better future for herself and those around her. For herself, NFTs offer the opportunity to make a living doing what she loves, while for those around her – including us, the collectors or viewers of her creations – her work promises to be enriching and captivating. When I saw her first photo, I was amazed; I was captivated.

It wasn't just the photo itself that evoked something within me, but also the words that accompanied it. She managed to create a beautiful synergy between them, making them dance so gracefully. Whether you first look at one and then at the other, you are immersed in so much depth in each, eventually putting them together to fully and deeply immerse yourself in her art.

I invite you to follow Taya’s journey, as I believe she is an artist deserving of a louder voice. She has just joined this liberating space and has a bright future ahead. Additionally, please take the time to immerse yourself in her gallery – in her works that are meant to captivate and transcend.

Beyond Sight

View on OpenSea

I've crafted this piece while reflecting on our tendency to judge others based solely on surface appearances. I envision it as a visual catalyst, urging viewers to peel away these superficial layers, especially when it comes to soulful beings, and delve into the depths beyond initial impressions. Through this process, I believe we can achieve a genuine understanding of each individual's essence.

Furthermore, by embracing this ethos, we pave the path towards strengthened connections – not just with others, but also with ourselves. This introspective journey fosters empathy, dismantles barriers, and paves the way for unity in a world often divided by superficial differences. Beyond the sight, we find the threads that bind us together, weaving a tapestry of shared humanity and understanding.


He is a musician and AI artist whom I had the chance to meet in the Garden. I can’t recall the exact day our connection started, but it is certainly one that I will cherish. Why? Because I discovered a wonderful artist. There are days when he blesses us with enchanting music, with songs that reach the depths of our souls, transporting us into uncharted realms. On other days, he bestows upon us beautiful visual creations that resonate deeply and touch our hearts.

His music resonated with me immediately. His style is something I love, one that always moves my soul and ignites something within me. Initially, I considered him solely a musical artist, but when I discovered his visual art, I was in awe. I was profoundly and positively surprised by it, and I genuinely loved it. I see a connection between his music and visual art – I believe that if we are willing to look beyond the sounds and melodies, beyond the entities or images, we can discover many facets of this artist!

I invite you to follow his journey, whether in the Garden or on Twitter, and to delight yourself with some of his music and/or visual art.

Thank you for reading!

Have a fantastic day!



2022 Tagge. With ❤️ from Lambda