Mismir - The Archway🌹

2024-05-13 12:38
发布于 Mirror


A while ago, I shared with you 'Mismir – The Reverie', an article in which I delved into the past, present, and future of my beloved fashion brand, Mismir. Through that article, I aimed to give you a better understanding of the 'why' behind Mismir, the vision I have to breathe life into it, all made possible through the beautiful marriage of fashion and technology.

On May 6th, 2024, Mismir finally emerged into the world. While Mismir has been enriching lives for some time, it was on that day that each of you could become a part of its journey. Although it's a fashion brand, and many expected to see a physical garment as the first release, I decided to start differently, beginning with the sale of an NFT called The Archway. The rationale behind this approach was to establish something sustainable for myself, you, and the world. As someone lacking resources, acquiring the means to start directly with a physical garment would have required significantly more time and financial investment. Thus, I've chosen to make the most of what I have and pursue this approach. Those of you who become owners of The Archway will soon be able to redeem it for the inaugural garment of Mismir, The Prologue, a garment that harnesses the power of the fusion between fashion and technology, featuring an NFC chip that comes with various gifts meant to connect, express, and empower the wearer of the garment. By adopting this approach, I ensured that I could create what was needed without risking overproduction which may lead to waste. While The Archway is limited in number, with a predefined quantity that will never be exceeded, the challenge lies in sizing. If 10 XL sizes were produced and 11 were sold, there would be an issue. Similarly, another issue would arise if 20 mediums were made and only 15 sold. With The Archway, I've endeavored to find a solution that breathes life into something sustainable, ensuring that Mismir's releases are environmentally conscious and beneficial for all involved in the process.

Now that you have an understanding of why I've decided to begin with an NFT, please allow me to share with you what The Archway represents, how it can be acquired, and the benefits it provides to those who hold it.

What does The Archway represent?

The Prologue - Beige

The Archway is the first piece of Mismir, imbued with all the values I hold dear. It encompasses all the elements that serve as the foundation of Mismir, my beloved fashion brand soon to be regarded as a piece of art. From The Prologue, its inaugural garment, to Dremis, the garden of Dreams and people, and to Mirisity, our beloved reimagined rose, it embodies them all.

The Archway represents the beginning of a journey filled with love, kindness, and empathy, one that heads towards the elements that drive me, and implicitly the brand itself: expression, connection, and empowerment.

The Archway serves as the gateway to a plethora of experiences and benefits within Mismir. From redeeming the physical version of The Prologue and claiming Dremis to engaging in co-creation, expressing and empowering yourself, and exploring various digital and physical products and experiences, it unlocks the full spectrum of opportunities. Moreover, it offers the chance to delve deeper into the story of Mirisity and participate in its co-creation. In essence, The Archway represents the key to accessing all that Mismir has to offer.

I'm excited to meet you and embark on a journey together. Let's redefine not only the boundaries of fashion but life itself! Mismir is about creating a brighter future for humanity—one where love, kindness, and empathy reign supreme.

What will you receive by acquiring The Archway?

The Prologue - Burnt Orange

The primary benefit you'll receive is the opportunity to redeem The Prologue, Mismir's inaugural garment. This piece comes with an NFC chip, housing various enriching elements awaiting your discovery. From Dremis to Miralis, and other features crafted to infuse your journey with love, kindness, and empathy, it aims to foster deeper connections, expression, and empowerment. Dremis, an NFT, serves not only as a certificate of authenticity but also grants its holder an active role as a co-author in Mismir's narrative. Miralis, a POAP, symbolizes unity, community, and profound connections forged through shared values of love, kindness, and empathy. It can be claimed and shared, serving as a testament to the convergence and interaction of souls. Beyond these, The Prologue harbors additional treasures. I am continuously enriching it with elements to enhance your journey, aligning with my vision to transform physical garments into digital platforms. This is the direction we're heading. Furthermore, The Prologue will be distributed randomly in three colors: Beige, Charcoal, and Burnt Orange, which can be seen in The Archway. The more Archway editions you possess, the greater your chances of obtaining your preferred color or even all three.

In addition to The Prologue, I would like to extend an invitation to engage in a 15-minute one-on-one call with each of you. This call is entirely optional; you're not obliged to participate, but I would deeply appreciate it. My primary intention is to express my gratitude personally, share my overarching vision, address any queries you may have, understand your aspirations, and even co-create something.

The link to schedule the call will be accessible through Omnis, a private Telegram group exclusively for the owners of The Archway; those who have become integral to Mismir's narrative and are shaping its future chapters. It's worth noting that within The Prologue, there will be a link to schedule such calls as well. I want to offer this opportunity to you multiple times a year, should you wish to take advantage of it.

These are the elements you can receive and access by becoming an owner of The Archway. I like to think of it as the key to The Prologue, as within that inaugural garment lies a myriad of treasures waiting to be discovered.

How can I purchase The Archway?

View on OpenSea

The main avenue to obtain The Archway is within a sanctuary we've brought to life in the Manifold Garden. The Archway will permanently reside in the realm known as Base, and the currency required for acquisition is ETH, specifically within the same realm as The Archway. Alternatively, for those who prefer not to enter the Base realm with their funds, collecting via traditional fiat currencies, through credit card payments, is available.

For those who find the Base realm or its currency complexities daunting, The Archway can also be acquired within the confines of Lens Garden through this post that can be collected with BONSAI. Upon claiming the post, simply comment with your Base address, so that you can have The Archway airdropped to your wallet. There are some challenges with the way a collectible from Lens is perceived and thus, I want to ensure a seamless receipt of The Archway, unlocking the doors to Mismir's universe.

The process is straightforward: Collect the post → Comment with Base address → Check your wallet for the key

The Price of The Archway → 0.032 ETH | 3700 BONSAI

The Prologue - Charcoal

Thank you sincerely for taking the time to read this post! I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to meet and welcome as many of you as possible on this journey I've embarked upon with Mismir!

If you're interested in delving deeper into Mismir, please feel free to explore its sanctuary. There, you'll find more comprehensive information about each aspect discussed in this brief article.

Furthermore, if you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me on Warpcast, Lens, Twitter, or even Telegram (under the same username – @eduardmsmr). I'm more than willing to address any questions you may have!

Once again, thank you!

I am looking forward to what lies ahead! It’s time to redefine horizons!!

Have a blessed day!



2022 Tagge. With ❤️ from Lambda