A Cycle Unraveled🌹

2024-05-09 10:01
发布于 Mirror

This is not the first, nor will it be the last, time I delve into the intricate relationship between social prestige and fashion. I see their connection as one that has persisted throughout history and will endure for countless ages to come. However, as the tides of time shift, so does fashion. While today, physical garments define one's position on the social hierarchy, and tomorrow, perhaps, it will be the 'phygital' garments (can we find a new term?). I foresee a future where digital fashion takes the reins, only to come back to physical fashion once more. I firmly believe that the emergence of digital fashion, despite its myriad benefits, will profoundly influence this aspect that many are focused on: social prestige. Allow me to elaborate briefly on why I foresee this cycle unfolding, as fashion, since the dawn of humanity, has served as a marker of social prestige. I am convinced that its role in this seemingly trivial pursuit will persist far into the future, perhaps until the end of human civilization.

Today, whether we stroll down the streets or scroll through social media platforms, we're flooded with images of the latest, most exclusive sneakers paired with designer garments, or pieces from coveted brands. Particularly among the youth, who I perceive as the primary participants in this social game, this trend is prevalent. However, upon closer examination, based on my observations, the proliferation of individuals flaunting these garments, especially among the younger demographic, has reached saturation. They've become ubiquitous, and many are beginning to sense this oversaturation. Each individual aspires to stand out in their respective circles, but with the accessibility of the latest fashion becoming increasingly widespread, this endeavor becomes more challenging. Consequently, their focus shifts towards seeking something distinct, ushering in the moment when the cycle I previously outlined springs into action.

In my opinion, the next phase of fashion evolution doesn't directly entail digital fashion, but rather a blend of physical and digital realms, known as 'phygital' fashion. I foresee that 'phygital' fashion will initially garner widespread acceptance and adoption, paving the way for the eventual embrace of digital fashion. The appeal of 'phygital' garments lies in their novelty and freshness, particularly enticing to the youth. These hybrid garments offer individuals the opportunity to possess something unique, both in the tangible and digital spheres, especially on platforms such as Instagram or TikTok. This novelty grants them the means to once again differentiate themselves and ascend the social hierarchy. Looking ahead, approximately 2-3 years (depending on regional and cultural factors), I foresee a scenario where 'phygital' garments become ubiquitous among teenagers. Consequently, differentiation becomes increasingly challenging, prompting a shift in focus towards digital fashion.

Through 'phygital' garments, the younger generation is granted a compelling glimpse into digital fashion. This initial exposure serves as a primer, allowing them to grasp the intricacies of this emerging frontier, from its innovative applications to its potential for self-expression. While this encounter leaves an indelible mark on their consciousness, I believe that they may not immediately translate this awareness into action. Their lingering affinity for tactile experiences, for the tangible embrace of a garment, delays their full immersion into the digital world of fashion. Yet, this paradigm is swiftly evolving. Gradually, their focus shifts from the physical material to the digital one, driven by a burgeoning desire to carve out a distinct digital persona. It is this pivotal realization, this awakening to the transformative power of digital fashion, that serves as a catalyst for their journey into this realm. Within the boundless expanse of digital fashion, they discover the freedom to don garments previously unseen, to craft an identity unfettered by the constraints of the physical world. Leveraging digital tailoring techniques and AR tech, they weave these digital garments seamlessly into the tapestry of their online narratives, catapulting themselves to prestige within the digital landscapes they now inhabit and, increasingly, prioritize.

As the digital landscape becomes saturated with individuals vying for attention, I anticipate a gradual return to the realm of physical fashion. Despite our increasing immersion in the digital realm, we remain rooted in the physical world, tethered to tangible experiences and material needs. Regrettably, among these needs for some is the perpetual quest for social validation and ascent up the social ladder. It is at this point that I see a resurgence of interest in physical fashion, as individuals seek to claim their social status through tangible means once more. This resurgence will herald a renewed emphasis on physical garments as markers of social standing, before eventually transitioning back to 'phygital' and digital fashion. I perceive this cycle as perpetual, as fashion, with its innate ability to signify social prestige, continues to exert its influence indefinitely.

Before I introduce you to two remarkable artists, I wish to share a few concluding thoughts. I've predominantly mentioned examples from the youth, as they appear to be most preoccupied with the pursuit of social prestige. Sadly, many among them are unaware of where true worth and status truly reside. Moreover, while I view physical, 'phygital,' and digital fashion as integral components of an ongoing cycle, their manifestations are bound to evolve distinctly. Fashion is multifaceted and dynamic. What we perceive today as physical, 'phygital,' or digital garments may undergo profound transformations in the coming years. Despite our longstanding coexistence with fashion and its undeniable significance in our lives, the future of fashion remains shrouded in uncertainty. Thus, it is only through the lens of our imagination that we can envision the trajectory of this cycle and speculate on the forms that fashion will take in the future.

While the concept of social prestige is not personally appealing to me, I recognize its pervasive influence on the collective consciousness. It serves as a lens through which we can gain insights into ourselves as individuals and as a society. By grappling with this phenomenon, we uncover avenues for personal and collective growth, fostering a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay of factors shaping our identities. Ultimately, through this exploration, we stand to gain a richer understanding of ourselves and our place within the tapestry of humanity.

Artists Spotlight


Zo's presence in my written pieces isn't new, but it's been a while since I last showcased her talent, and I'm excited to reintroduce her to you. To be honest, where do I even begin with Zo? Her artistry is multifaceted, whether it's her remarkable palettes or her captivating photography.

If you're on Lens or Farcaster (perhaps even Twitter, though I'm not very active there), you may have come across some of her stunning work. Each day, she treats us to new palettes, and occasionally, she shares her photography or collages too (lately, quite frequently). What sets Zo's palettes apart, and what initially drew me in, is her unique style and her adeptness at choosing and blending colors to create truly mesmerizing pieces. And her photography? Each image she shares is infused with her passion and emotion—it's truly remarkable.

I could go on, but I believe experiencing Zo's art firsthand will convey more than my words can. Whether on Lens (where you can also collect her pieces) or Farcaster, you can explore and appreciate Zo's artistic talent! And beyond her art, let me tell you, she is one of the most captivating and supportive ( she is always there for fellow artists – always sharing, collecting, or supporting them in any other way possible ) souls I've encountered on my journey—a true gem!


The man, the myth, the legend... Grams. I discovered Grams within Lens' garden and have been following him for a while, though only recently have I started to keep up more with him and his work. What I've discovered has truly left me speechless. Lately, he has been sharing a new piece, a new collectible, almost daily, and each time one of his works appears on my feed, I find myself taking a few minutes to gaze at their depth. He is producing the kind of work that makes you ask yourself, 'How did he do it?' even though for many, it may appear as just a simple 'photo.'

Beyond his artistic prowess, Grams is also a supportive artist. With each sale, he reserves a percentage to support other fellow artists and enrich his art collection. If he cannot collect, he always finds other ways to support. This is something that I genuinely appreciate because if we, as artists, do not support one another, how can we expect others to support us, especially those who may not understand how challenging it is to be an artist these days?

Whether on Instagram, Lens, or Farcaster, I invite you to follow Grams' journey closely and enrich your mind, heart, and perhaps your collection with some of his creations. I would recommend Lens, as you can interact more directly with his work.

Thank you for reading!

Have a blessed day!



2022 Tagge. With ❤️ from Lambda