The Redstone Race is On

2024-04-05 22:57
发布于 Mirror

Author: FaultProofBen


It was an incredibly exciting week in the onchain gaming ecosystem.

There were many big news items, but the most noteworthy came from Lattice, which kicked off its “Race to Mainnet” initiative for Redstone.

First announced in November 2023, Redstone is an in-development L2 built using OP Stack by Lattice.

Yesterday, the team announced that Redstone is beginning its “developer preview,” during which teams will be able to deploy and test their games.

The preview will last throughout April and culminate with Redstone’s public launch on May 1.

Numerous projects, including Downstream, This Cursed Machine, Biomes, ggQuest, and Sky Strife, will participate in the preview and then launch on May 1.

In exciting news, WASD will be one of the three groups playtesting these games on the L2 during this period!

All in all, I’m incredibly excited for Redstone’s release and think its launch will be one of the most significant events in the ecosystem’s history.

I expect the network to become a leading venue for onchain games due to its low transaction costs, latency, support from Lattice, and ties to the Optimism ecosystem.

As such, I expect many more games besides the ones listed above to deploy on Redstone in the months after it goes live.

The race to mainnet is on – And all us onchain gamers will be the winners.

Now, without further ado, here’s:

  • A primer on the week’s news

  • My picks for three games to play over the weekend

  • A list of upcoming playtests, opportunities, and events

  • A recap of WASD content & mints

  • The best other content from friends around the ecosystem

  • An overview of Force Prime Heroes


…The s-tier meme of the week!!!

🗞️ The TLDR:

The hottest headlines from the last week in onchain gaming and autonomous worlds.

🎮 Plays of the Week:

Three onchain games to try out for yourself this weekend.

📺 This Week in WASD:

Catch up on this week's WASD content and mints.

⚔️ PTO: Playtests, Tournaments, & Opportunities:

Upcoming events from around the onchain gaming ecosystem.

🤝 Words From Frens:

The best content from frens in the community.

🕹️Game Spotlight: Force Prime Heroes

Author: 0xAkina

Game Overview:

Force Prime Heroes (FPH) is a turn-based strategy game.

Inspired by the Heroes of Might and Magic series, your objective in the game is to defeat a monster known as the “Bone Dragon” in as few turns as possible.

To do so, you’ll have to strategically plan and move across a map while collecting gold from chests, defeating monsters, and purchasing units to aid in your conquest.

FPH is built using Dojo and Unity and periodically hosts tournaments where you can compete and earn prizes.

Today, they just wrapped their most recent one, “Blitz,” in which players had one hour to post the highest score to win a commemorative NFT.

For a good primer on the basics of Force Prime Heroes, check out this video from our friends at Fun Blocks!

The WASD Take:

Overall, I’m a really big fan of Force Prime Heroes.

The game is a lot of fun, with a good strategic depth.

You have to methodically plot the most efficient course through the map while balancing numerous factors like your gold on hand, the health of an enemy you want to defeat, and the composition of your units.

I also like the competitive side of the game, as the team regularly hosts tournaments while the leaderboard gives you an added incentive to grind and play multiple times.

Despite this, I do think there’s room for improvement with regard to pacing.

For instance, Force Prime Heroes can feel a bit slow to someone like me who appreciates the fast and aggressive gameplay commonplace in today's games.

Along these lines, I think there could be some more random encounters or events in the game to shake things up and add an element of suspense.

Nonetheless, I enjoy Force Prime Heroes and am excited for their next tournament!

🤣 The S-Tier Meme of the Week:

Our April Fool's joke for this year…

🤝 Thank you to our sponsor: Fire Eyes 🔥_🔥

Fire Eyes is a leading organization for onchain governance.

They are active players and contributors to onchain games and care deeply about furthering the development of the Ethereum and DAO ecosystems.

Fire Eyes is a great outlet for any team looking for in-depth feedback on community sentiment and token design.

If you’re interested in getting in touch with 🔥_🔥 - DM them on X!

Thanks for reading!

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Finally, to stay current on all things WASD, subscribe below, follow us on X, hop in our Warpcast channel, and join our Discord server!

Have a great weekend, and see you all next week!

2022 Tagge. With ❤️ from Lambda