SUI Dinos | NFT small research report

2023-03-01 12:24
发布于 Mirror

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Essential information:



Total: 3333

Mint price: TBA

What is SUI Dinos

SUI Dinos is an NFT that will be released on the sui chain with the image of dinosaurs. At present, it has established cooperation with several ecological projects on the sui chain: Sui Name Service (SuiNS); Ethos Wallet; Suiet Wallet; CetusProtocol; Belaunch; Clutchy (Official Launchpad ); SuiEcosystem; SuiGlobal。 In November 2022, SUI Dinos has only 3k fans, and has grown to 55k+now, and has become a little well-known NFT in the Sui chain. At present, the roadmap and white paper have not been published, but it is worth mentioning that SUI Dinos mentioned "Testnet Token: $DINO" and "Dino Habitats" in the Discord, describing SUI Dinos as a lot of imagination space.

Team introduction


SUI Dinos Founder, officially announced only one team member on link3, @ Kantanook, without real name, calling himself an NFT lover.


SUI Dinos Chief Mod, y00ts holder, Toxic Mod, through Twitter, we can see that they are familiar with NFT on the sol and apt chain


Community Manager ; Moderator ; Social Manager; Full-time Mod, familiar with NFT of each chain, with experience of 8 project parties

Mohish @ballistic_ NFT

Collab Manager; There are many cooperation experiences: @ Cets On Creck @ Nomads @ Wise Whales @ Founders DAO @ DeezNode RPC

Latest developments

Officially announced the February meeting

  1. Update the road map;

  1. Test mint on Clutchy platform;

  2. Domain name on Sui;

  3. Dino universe;

  4. Art improvement

Removed the separation of language areas and summarized them into one channel


SUI Dinos is in the middle of many Sui ecological rankings

SUI Dinos has tested mints several times and sold 1111 in 15 minutes

White list

There are five ways to obtain the latest whitelist

  1. Keep active, speak actively, meme, artistic creation

  2. Holding Genesis Eggs (holding 5 common for OG; holding 10 common or 5 are for Free Mint), three kinds of eggs, corresponding to three roles
    (ice egg) - Domino list - floor price: 24.9 MATIC=30.38 usdt
    (fire egg) - OG - floor price: 24.9 MATIC=30.38 usdt
    (mud earth egg) - Free Mint - floor price: 165 MATIC=201.30usdt

  3. Answering the official CREW3 requests questionnaire, I looked at the following questions: about 200+, including daily check-in, forwarding, likes, difficult needs to have a pass card, download some wallets, and so on.

  4. Twitter raffle

  5. Participate in cooperation

  6. Guess for yourself - Dinos scrolls: Discord mentioned that - Dinos scrolls - will play a very important role. You can expect to buy it on opensea. Floor price: 53.46 MATIC=65.22usdt

Personal opinion, dyor


The activity coefficient of sui is relatively high, and it has always appeared in the major rankings

Actively seek cooperation, and there are about 20 cooperative project parties so far

Constantly update the project playing method and have fun


Discord is more active, but there is no substantial content exchange, mod is more active

Compared with the number of followers, the number of Twitter tweets forwarding is less, and the number of cooperative content forwarding is more

Kol mentioned less, probably because there are not so many kol in sui chain nft at present

Whitening is a bit chaotic, but participation is OK, and the pass card has low liquidity

The source of the project team is chaotic and not disclosed.



CREW ³ :

Genesis Eggs secondary:

Dinos scrolls:

2022 Tagge. With ❤️ from Lambda