
之 比特币白皮书解读 +
How to NFT 解读
前言 本人水平有限,但是市场上暂时还没有发现类似的书籍,那就勉为其难的努力写一本,同时也是自我提高的过程。如果读者有勘误等发现,请发电邮到 chaocheng_shen@hotmail.com 我们一起为普及中文世界的区块链英文知识而努力。
如果希望通读全书,请加我的微信vincent_schim 同时我会邀请你进我的学习社区,这里有我和朋友分享的区块链科普信息,近期区块链的行情信息,金融思维框架等等。本书现有部分是比特币以太坊白皮书解读和How to NFT 解读。因为区块链知识磅礴而丰富而时时迭代更新,传统的线性学习已经不太适应,所以本人的写作方式也是非线性,同时根据能力尽可能写的通俗有趣一些。
What is needed is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party.
cryptographic:密码的;cryptographic proof:密码验证,如果你经常看推特,会发现很多区块链圈的 大佬ID都是CRYPTO开头的。party在这里是第几方的意思,比方说你去写合同,中文是甲方乙方,英文就是partyA B。
Each owner transfers the coin to the next by digitally signing a hash of the previous transaction and the public key of the next owner and adding these to the end of the coin.
A common solution is to introduce a trusted central authority, or mint, that checks every transaction for double spending.
mint这里是指对币的铸造, 例如我刚刚MINT了一个NFT。我刚刚铸了一个NFT
The proof-of-work involves scanning for a value that when hashed, such as with SHA-256, the hash begins with a number of zero bits.
PROOF-OF-WORK POW 工作量证明,这是一种比特币和其他虚拟币的共识机制,所谓共识机制就是说在比特币和其他虚拟币不停的出新的区块的时候,需要一种对新的区块进行认证确权的共同认可的算法或者密码学等学科的解决办法。
POW的工作量证明是最经典的比特币的办法,这种机制,只能通过结果证明。如果需要详细的了解这个问题,我建议你去买一本名声不是那么太好,但是科普非常有才的火币网徐护士的作品[图说区块链],翻到119页。简单的说每次得到新的区块的哈希值,需要大量的尝试性的计算,通常只能从结果证明。 这个机制有那么点问题,就是会进行算力军备竞赛,所以各国政府很头疼。不环保啦BLABLA其实吧,你想一想,用区块链的办法,可以从香港汇款一万或者十万美元到菲律宾,都是只收一元手续费。这实在是比传统的银行业有良心多了。
好了,顺便再讲一下POS机制,也就是通常翻译为权益证明PROOF OF STAKE。这里的STAKE的意思是赌注,质押,权益,股本。所以我倾向于翻译成股本证明。这个机制是用户用钱购买等价的代币,把代币当做押金放在POS机制里,用户成为验证者。POS算法在验证者中随机抽取一个人验证区块(他如果一定时间不干就会选另外一个人)
The necessity to announce all transactions publicly precludes this method, but privacy can still be maintained by breaking the flow of information in another place: by keeping public keys anonymous.
The race between the honest chain and an attacker chain can be characterized as a Binomial Random Walk. 诚实链与攻击者链之间的竞争可归类为二项随机漫步。
Random Walk随机漫步 其实就是你高中时候学的布朗运动啦,懂了没,随机漫步这一名词看起来更优雅,也就是短期的金融品,例如股票,价格是无休止的乱动的。
Binomial Random Walk二项随机漫步
币圈有个大师名字叫塔勒布,这个大师曾亲自写了比特币的入门书的推荐信。然后最近几年又开始自称已经没有持有比特币了,甚至讲几句狠话,你看,比特币大师也照样害怕美国正虎,美国税务局之类的。 这位大师曾经写过一本详细讨论随机漫步的书,书名就叫【随机漫步的傻瓜】,这书里面真的有个傻瓜,在短期通过赌狗式的加杠杆的操作,大赚特赚。他以为自己能力很强,继续这样的赌博,最后一无所有。因为短期市场是随机漫步,他只是乱走对了而已,时间线拉长,随机性减弱的时候,他就爆仓了。塔大师教育我们,在一个短周期里,最赚钱的绝不是高思维段位的投资者,而是最大胆的赌狗。塔大师让我们静静的看着赌狗起高楼,跳高楼。Binomial Random Walk二项随机漫步 有时候翻译成让人更头大的
When satoshi nakamoto first set the Bitcoin blockchain into motion in January 2009, he was simultaneously introducing two radical and untested concepts.
Simultaneously 同时的, radical 激进的 革命的
Bitcoin as an application can be described as a first-to-file system: if one entity has 50BTC, and simultaneously sends the same 50 BTC to A and to B, only the transaction that gets confirmed first will process.
作为一种应用,比特币被描述为 一个先申请系统:如果某人有50个比特币,并且同时向A 和B发送,那么仅仅先确认的交易才会生效。
中心化机构的恐怖故事最近就发生了一个,无耻的民主党总统睡老头白等。这家伙居然把前任阿富汗政府的美元给抢劫了分配给美国人。拜托,这可不是阿富汗塔利班政府的钱,这是你自己的结盟的政府的钱。 可见中心化机构的恐怖和无耻。
比特币世界就没有类似的问题了,密码学制度解决的问题 ,何必考验人性。
Another important area of inquiry is “smart contracts”-systems which automatically move digital assets according to arbitrary pre-specified rules.
另一个有需求的 重要领域是“智能合约”这一系统根据预先设定的规则的让电子资产自动化转移。
Commonly cited applications include using on-blockchain digital assets to represent custom currencies and financial instrument, the ownership of an underlying physical device.
On-blockchain digital assets 链上数字资产 underlying 基础设备,这个词常见于金融衍生品的基础产品(underlying asset)。例如股票期权,其基础产品即为underlying stock. 顺便说一下期货的英语单词更有意思futures ,除了期货还有前途的意思,不过笔者是真的认为玩期货真的没有前途啊。。
What Ethereum intends to provide is a blockchain with a built-in fully fledged Turing-complete programming language that can used to create “contracts”that can be used to encode arbitrary state transition functions.
艾伦•麦席森•图灵(英语:Alan Mathison Turing,英国数学家、逻辑学家,被称为计算机科学之父,人工智能之父爆发后回到剑桥,后曾协助军方破解德国的著名密码系统Enigma,帮助盟军取得了二战的胜利。
The main roadblock that all pre-Bitcoin currency protocols faced is the fact that, while there had been plenty of research on creating secure Byzantine-fault-tolerant multiparty consensus systerms for may years, all of the protocols described were solving only half of the problem.
拜占庭位于如今的土耳其的伊斯坦布尔,是东罗马帝国的首都。由于当时拜占庭罗马帝国国土辽阔,将军与将军之间只能靠信差传消息。但是,在军队内有可能存有叛徒和敌军的间谍,左右将军们的决定又扰乱整体军队的秩序。在已知有成员谋反的情况下,其余忠诚的将军在不受叛徒的影响下如何达成一致的协议。假设有11位拜占庭将军去打仗, 他们各自有权力观测敌情并作出判断, 进攻或撤退, 那么怎么让他们只用传令兵达成一致呢? 拜占庭假设是对现实世界的模型化,由于硬件错误、网络拥塞或断开以及遭到恶意攻击,计算机和网络可能出现不可预料的行为。
在伟大的中本聪发明比特币以前,世界上并没有一个非常完美的方法来解决“拜占庭将军问题” 。因为碰到了四大难题:
区块链轻而易举地解决了这一问题,它为信息发送加入了成本,降低了信息传递的速率,而且加入了一个随机元素使得在一定时间内只有一个将军可以广播信息。这里所说的成本就是区块链系统中基于随机哈希算法的“工作量证明”(proof of WORK 注意这就是被以银行为代表的古董金融业所厌恶的所谓消耗能源的挖矿记账本法)。哈希算法所做的事情就是计算获得的输入,得到一串64位的随机数字和字母的字符串 。
比特币世界的加密工具时间戳等等,充当了东罗马帝国时代的将军印章。用这张方式的妙处是,你不需要相信了,只要在比特币系统,你只需要VERYFY,不需要TRUST。圈里有句话: don’t trust , verify
The innovation provided by Satoshi is the idea of combining a very simple decentralized consensus protocol ,based on nodes combining transactions into a “block” every ten mimutes creating an ever-growing blockchain, with proof of work as a mechanism through which nodes gain the right to participate in the system.
decentralized大部分的时候被翻译成了去中心化,但是实际上decentralized世界更接近宇宙里各种天体的分布,各种星系是分布的 ,星系里的恒星系统互相也是分布的,但是实际上在各个尺度,并不是那么的去中心化。
If we had access to a trustworthy centralized service, this system would be trivial to implement; it could simply be coded exactly as described.
Trivial 不重要的 implement 置入
However, with Bitcoin we are trying to build a decentralized currency system, so we will need to combine the state transition system with a consensus system in order to ensure that everyone agrees on the order of transactions.
Consensus 共识
人类和其他动物的差别,很大的程度,是因为我们有共识,有信仰,有共同的对虚拟存在的认同。今天是2022年2月26日,今天早上我还看到了新闻,有1条是乌克兰蛇岛13壮士拒绝投降俄罗斯,壮烈殉国,有1条是乌克兰独立营的工程师SAILOR VITALY SKAKUN,为抵抗俄罗斯人,用生命来破坏一座桥梁,来保护他认同的国家。 想一想,他和他抵抗的俄罗斯人,生物学上几乎没有差异,他之所以认同乌克兰,就是因为他认同的语言系统,历史共同记忆和俄罗斯人不一样啊。 人类之所有有国家,有公司,其实都是这样互相想象力下,互相认同所互动出来的。
所以比特币的地位已经,而且可见的将来仍然在强化,今天的币安交易所比特币是39000点价格,而乌克兰的本地比特币交易所,价格已经高到41000点。 外加美国对俄罗斯在外贸使用美元的限制,只能进一步把俄罗斯往比特币推。
Bitcoin’s decentralized consensus process requires nodes in the network to continuously attempt to produce packages of transactions called “blocks” 比特币的分布共识要求网络中的节点连续尝试将交易打包成“区块”。 The network is intended to produce roughly one block every ten minutes ,with each block containing a timestamp, a nonce , a reference to(id. Hash of)the previous block and a list of all of the transactions that have taken place since the previous block. 网络被设计约十分钟出一次区块,每个区块包含时间戳,一个随机数,一个对上个区块的哈希值引用,和上个区块生产以来所有的交易列表。
Nounce 随机数,或许应该英译为囊丝Nonce 这个单词在密码学语境下指的是一个只使用一次的数字。比特币的 nonce 是用在 POW 共识算法之中的一个数字。为解释NOUNCE我们还需要解释一下HEADER比特币的每一个区块都有一个 header,你可以望文生义的翻译成区块头,其实也不一定是那么的头部了。。header 中存储了多项关于区块的关键信息,其中就包含 nonce 。
Header 中包含的信息有Version 。区块的版本号。之前一个区块的 header 哈希。(可以理解成上个区块的身份码)
• Merkle 根哈希。由区块中包含的所有交易的哈希值再一次运算得出的,如果有人篡改了十分钟区块里的任何一点点交易,这个哈希值就会变。哈希密码学是不是很神奇。header 中保留了这个值意味着只要 header 安全了,整个区块就安全了,这解释了为何计算 nouce 的时候,只需要计算 header 的哈希,可以忽略区块主体数据。
• 时间。矿工开始运算 header 哈希的那个时间点。
• nBits 。压缩格式的 target 值。这一项是跟 nonce 紧密相关的,你知道有这么个玩意就行了.
The “state” in Bitcoin is the collection of all coins (technically, “unspent transactions out puts” or UTXO) that have been minted and not yet spent, with each UTXO having a denomination and an owner (defined by a 20-byte address which is essentially a cryptographic public key).
比特币系统的”状态 ”是所有已经被挖出的,没有花费的比特币(未花费的交易输出unspent transactions out puts或者UTXO)的集合,每个UTXO都有一个面值和所有者(由20个字节的本质上是密码学公钥地址所定义)。
现在的银行也好、信用卡也好、证券交易系统也好,互联网第三方支付系统也好,其核心都是基于账户(account based)的设计,由关系数据库支撑。关系数据库的靠谱由靠谱的银行和银行请的靠谱的IT狗决定。
你的一万块,你先自己分成三千块和七千块。这就是所谓生成两个未花费的交易输出。也就是生成了两个UTXO。转账成功后,你给女朋友的三千块就使用了,就不能叫UTXO了,胜的七千块还叫UTXO。 注意转账成功不成功,是可以不停的检验的。为安全起见,每一笔输入的时候也要有上一笔输出所对应的私钥进行签名,并且每个比特币的节点都会存储当前整个区块链上的UTXO,
A Merkle tree is a type of binary tree, composed of a set of nodes with a large number of leaf nodes at the bottom of the tree containing the underlying data, a set of intermediate nodes where each node is the hash of its two children, and finally a single root node, also formed from the hash of its two children, representing the “top” of the tree.
Merkle tree默克尔树binary tree二叉树
如果还是有点难理解,给你介绍一下古代的虎符制度吧,皇帝把虎符一分为二,自己拿一个,将军拿一个,皇帝让将军打仗去,就把半个虎符通过使者给将军。 你可以理解默克尔数结构里的最下面的两个哈希就是半个虎符,拼一起才是构成了一个子哈希(Merkle Tree结构,允许把数据分成小的数据块,有相应地哈希和它对应。但是往上走,并不是直接去运算根哈希,而是把相邻的两个哈希合并成一个字符串,然后运算这个字符串的哈希,这样每两个哈希就结婚生子,得到了一个”子哈希“。)如果最底层的哈希总数是单数,那到最后必然出现一个单身哈希,这种情况就直接对它进行哈希运算,所以也能得到它的子哈希(你就想象成找不到另一半的干脆复制自己了再结婚。。)于是往上推,依然是一样的方式,可以得到数目更少的新一级哈希,最终必然形成一棵倒挂的树,到了树根的这个位置,这一代就剩下一个根哈希了,我们把它叫做默克尔树之根。
The intent of Ethereum is to merge together and improve upon the concepts of scripting, altcoins and on-chain meta-protocols, and allow developers to create arbitrary consensus-based applications that have the scalability, standardization, feature-completeness, ease of development and interoperability of offered by these different paradigms all at the same time.
Altcoins 英文的意思就是除了比特币以外的其他币种,笔者倾向于翻译成另选币,当然在币圈,这个词有个广泛的翻译叫做山寨币。就本质来说这个翻译是贴切的,大部分的币,很短的时间(1-3年?)都会归零。因为虚拟币实在是太容易被用作传销了,慎重啊慎重。
In general, there are three types of applications on top of Ethereum. The first category is financial applications, providing users with more powerful ways of managing and entering into contracts using their money. This includes sub-currencies, financial derivatives, hedging contracts, saving wallets, wills and ultimately even some classes of full –scale employment contracts. The second category is semi-financial applications, where money is involved but there is also a heavy non-monetary side to what is being done; a perfect example is self –enforcing bounties for solutions to computational problems. Finally ,there are applications such as online voting and decentralized governance that are not financial at all.
通常说来,以太坊上面有三种应用。第一类是金融应用,为用户 提供更强大的管理资金,让资金进合约的办法——例如子币,金融衍生品,对冲合约,储蓄钱包,遗嘱,甚至有一些是全规模的雇佣合约。 第二类是半金融合约,这里也涉及到钱,但是也有很重要的非金钱方面的需要,一个完美例子是为了解决计算问题而设置的自我强制悬赏系统。最后,还有一些在线投票和去中心化治理这样的完全非金融的应用。
sub-currencies子币 例如典型的去中心化金融里, 你可以质押一定数量的以太坊币,来得到某TOKEN项目方奖励的子币。
bounties 赏金:例如最近乌克兰军方提议给俄罗斯军人发放赏金换取对方投降。
Online-voting 在线投票 这类的区块链投票系统其实很重要,最近一次的美国总统懂王大概率就是因为民主党投票丢失了自己的总统大位,有兴趣的可以去百度一下拜登曲线。各国对区块链所带来的透明公正都是很重视的,现在波罗的海小国已经有施行区块链公文系统的了。最近爆火的WAVES公链,就是在投票项目做的特别出色的:
俄罗斯将于9月试行由Rostelecom与Waves Enterprise合作开发的基于区块链的全国电子投票系统。该系统由选举频道、状态识别系统、复杂的加密协议组成,新电子投票系统所具有的同态加密、分布式密钥生成和匿名签名技术使投票过程更具保密性。同态加密和分布式密钥生成相结合保证了系统只能解密投票结果,不会在投票过程中更改结果,且公民的个人身份可以通过匿名签名技术与其投票结果进行分离。该系统将在9月13日首次亮相, 届时,大概有约60万选民使用系统进行投票。
The code in Ethereum contracts is written in a low-level, stack-based bytecode language, referred to as “Ethereum virtual machine code” or “EVM code”.
Stack 堆栈 这是一个IT狗的术语,为了帮助理解,请看例子:图像堆栈将一组参考帧相似、但品质或内容不同的图像组合在一起。将多个图像组合到堆栈中之后,您就可以对它们进行处理,生成一个复合视图,消除不需要的内容或杂色。在以太坊智能机里,容易丢失的数据经常储存在STACK和MEMORY里。
Ethereum virtual machine 以太坊虚拟机或者EVM机
除了以太坊的EVM,其实JAVA ,PYTHON等也有虚拟机的。
The general concept of a “decentralized organization” is that of a virtual entity that has a certain set of members or shareholders which, perhaps with a 67% majority, have the right to spend the entity’s funds and modify its code.
一般说来,去中心化自治组织DAO(decentralized autonomous organization)的概念是指一个拥有一定数量成员或者股东——例如需要67%多数才可以有权决定如何使用该实体的资金或者修改代码。
DAO是区块链出现后,在代码的规则下,一种全新的社会形态。不受单个人的控制,却有明确的目标。比特币和以太坊都是一种DAO。 DAO在大部分的时候,和DAC同义也就是去中心化公司 decentralized autonomous company。DAO的形态有操作系统,金融群体,发二级市场金融通证的DEFI(去中心化金融协议)类(大部分是割韭菜的奸商群体),服务和社交类的群体,NFT类(区块链网络邮票),媒体类(区块链合作式媒体)
我们可以拿王者荣耀来举例,五个人虽然通常分属不同行业,互相有协作,但是并没有一个直接的管理或者经理人,也就是没有一个中心化的管理人。王者荣耀每一盘也有自己的代码的约束,每个玩家/股东其实都是按照自己的角色行为。 当然,真正的DAO组织会有不停的集体投票和决策,你可以理解成集体投票要不要去打龙,要不要集体去对面抢蓝怪,要不要集体去推水晶。
通常网上的DAO组织都是需要架设在区块链上的( 其实中心化的企业私有链也可以经授权后,部分流程DAO式操作)。
比特币和以太坊都是经过区块链代码约束后,不同个体DAO互动的系统,所以也属于DAO组织。需要提一下的是,人类作为智能种群,在DAO组织出现前,一直没有办法形成比较明显的集体智力涌现。涌现,是指大量的同一类个体——例如水分子的集群——在一个简单的规则下,形成的更复杂的集体行为,例如在重力影响下的旋涡。 或者你再想一下集体飞行,互相利用空气学帮助飞行的雁群;一群小鱼却能形成一个巨大的鱼群,可以躲闪障碍物等等涌现行为。那么在代码的规则下,一群人可以形成什么样的涌现呢?
再举例一下,例如出现了区块链NFT系统,你可以理解成区块链网络邮票,区块链网络宝石;区块链英雄人物;区块链土地等等, 那么下一步又可能出现基于区块链宝石的区块链英雄人物和区块链土地的游戏宇宙。那这个宇宙出现之后又会出现什么?
For financial contracts for difference, it may actually be possible to decentralize the data feed via a protocol called “SchellingCoin”. SchellingCoin basically works as follows: N parties all put into the system the value of a given datum (eg the ETH/USD price), the values are sorted,and everyone between the 25th and 75th percentile gets one token as a reward.
技术上是可以通过一个叫做“谢林币”的协议来把数据分布化,来做这样的金融合约。“谢林币”协议工作方式如下: N方为系统输入特定值(例如ETH/USD价格),这些价值被排序,每个提供25%-75%数值贡献区间的节点的人都会获得代币奖励。
SchellingCoin 谢林币,概念来自于谢林点 Schelling point
美国经济学家谢林(Thomas Schelling)曾经对自己的学生做过一个类似的调查问卷。在问卷中,学生们要在纽约和一个陌生人会面,他们要在问卷中给出自己选择的会面时间和地点。结果显示,大多数人都选择了中午十二点在纽约的中央火车站等待。
这个概念其实是博弈论来的。 国家之间的边界经常也是谢林点,例如大山大河,因为这样双方的认定,行政都相对更便利。这里你可以发现,谢林点需要共识,币圈最讲共识了。上海人民广场,北京天安门都是共识。
Can malicious users essentially shut miners and full nodes down by forcing them to enter into an infinite loop?
full nodes全节点
,比特币的全节点只有160G,一台电脑就可以运行了。比特币全节点就是通过载入比特币比特币客户端(包括 BitcoinUnlimited版和bitcoincore版等)下载。
One common concern about Ethereum is the issue of scalability. Like Bitcoin, Ethereum suffers from the flaw that ever transaction needs to be processed by every node in the network.
The problem with such a large blockchain size is centrlization risk. If the blockchain size increases to ,say, 100TB, then the likely scenerio would be that only a very small number of large business would run full nodes, with all regular users using light SPV nodes.
大区块 的风险就是中心化。如果区块大小增加到100TB,可能的场景是:很少的大商家运行节点,常规用户改用SPV轻节点。
SPV 简单支付验证Simplified Payment Verification
中本聪论文简要地提及了这一概念,指出:不运行完全节点也可验证支付,用户只需要保存所有的block header就可以了。用户虽然不能自己验证交易,但如果能够从区块链的某处找到相符的交易,他就可以知道网络已经认可了这笔交易,而且得到了网络的多少个确认。
First, because of the blockchain-based mining algorithms, at least every miner will be forced to be a full node, creating a lower bound on the number of full nodes.
Algorithm 算法
Before this, most fungible tokens on Ethereum utilized the ERC-20 standard (ERC stands for Ethereum Request for Comment). The ERC-20 standard works well for many functions on Ethereum used in building fungible tokens, but it is not well-equipped to create unique tokens.
Utilized利用:They utilized water for producing electric power.他们利用水力发电.In September 2017, Dieter Shirley, a Github contributor, proposed ERC-721 to standardize token standards for unique tokens. 2017年9月,Github的贡献者雪莉提出ERC-721,定义TOKEN标准,使NFT标准化。
甚至为了致敬这个标准,有一个华人建设的NFT社区名字也叫721. 类似有趣的案例还有孙宇晨的ETP币,也是“致敬”了金融市场的ETP基金。
ERC-1155’s thesis was simple: it aimed to merge the functionalities of both ERC-20 and ERC-721 into one NFT standard, while addressing some of the inherent flaws of ERC-721, such as higher gas consumption.
在区块链上铸造一枚NFT,一般就叫做 MINT一枚NFT.
HOW TO NFT 1st Edition, January 2022 Benjamin Hor, Khor Win Win, Shaun Paul Lee, Dillon Yap, Chin Yi Hong
这里有个作者名字是Yap, 大概率是个广东人,很可能姓叶。
有个著名的笑话是蒋介石被翻译成了常凯申(Chiang Kai-shek)。这里SHEK表示的就是石的吴语读音SHEK。
Disclaimers免责声明 这单词经常在电影 VCD里面出现fair use合理应用
Cheetsheet 本意就是考试的抄袭小条,相信你和你的漂亮同学一定用过,引申义是备忘单,本文是其他的大佬对HOW TO NFT的赞誉,这词偶尔在Python软件里也出现过
“What DeFi is doing to finance, NFTs will do to social networks. How to NFT will give you the tools to thrive in the metaverse.”Alex Masmej, Founder of Showtime
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have taken the world by storm in 2021.这段话开宗明义讲出来NFT在2021年给世界带来的变化。
NFTs may very well be the killer blockchain product that the crypto industry has been waiting for to drive further adoption amongst the masses.
The crypto bull market of 2020–2021 also contributed to the NFT craze as crypto natives looked for a way to signal their status and wealth online,2020至2021年的加密货币牛市也催生了NFT热潮。加密货币原住民寻找在网上彰显地位和财富的方式。craze热潮.
digital avatars这个词组如果你拿电脑翻译看,被翻译成了数字虚拟机。其实在本局中的意思是数字头像,或者也可以直接翻译成数字阿凡达。
Avatar这个词直翻就是阿凡达。出名于同名美国大片。词源来自于印度神话Avatar,源自印度梵语,本意是指“分身、化身”。在印度哲学中,最普遍被认为和众神在地面上的肉体表现形式有关。在梵文中,化身一词具有透过深思熟虑,并且由于特殊目的而从较高境界“下降”、“转世” 的涵义。
The NFT mania was kickstarted by the launch of Dapper Lab’s NBA Top Shot .
这里的kickstart不是字典的踢足球的意思, 是首发的意思( 同名的著名Kickstarter网站于2009年4月在美国纽约成立,是一个专为具有创意方案的企业筹资的众筹网站平台)。
With digital identities gaining more significance, digital avatars such as CryptoPunks have also quickly risen in value. 伴随数字身份的获得越发重要,例如CryptoPunks的数字阿凡达的价值提升非常之快。这里提到的cryptoPunk一般翻译为加密朋克项目,是一个具有NFT里程碑发展地位的一个项目。这个项目和无聊猴子项目一起构成了NFT的古典时代。cryptoPunk这个NFT发行之前,就已经存在一群热心而有加密素养的人,他们组织了一个社群。这个社群支撑起来CryptoPunks这个NFT项目的发展。
In simple terms, a fungible good is an item that is mutually interchangeable with another.
NFT的对应FT也就是fungible token意思是互相可以置换的,同质化的TOKEN,例如现实世界里的黄金,只要重量形状一样的金砖,都有同样的价值,虚拟世界里的每一个比特币互相也是完全一样的价值。Money is a good example. A $100 bill is worth the same as other $100 bills (or even two $50 bills).这里是拿美元举例,说任意一张一百美元钞票互相价值都一样,甚至两张五十的也同样的价值。Despite minor distinctions such as serial numbers and issue dates, paper money is considered fungible as they are interchangeable and facilitate transactions in our daily lives.尽管每一张钞票的序列号有差别,纸币依然被认为是可以任意置换同价的。Simply put, unlike two $100 bills, these two houses do not share the same intrinsic value and thus are not mutually interchangeable, making them non- fungible.这里是拿两栋装潢不同的房子举例,内在属性的不同,因此并不是互相真正可互换的,因此并不是同质化的。
With the rise of smart contract platforms like Ethereum, the technology now exists for Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to be created. Examples of NFTs include avatars CryptoPunks and Bored Apes or even masterful pieces from distinguished artists such as Tom Sachs and Damien Hirst.
伴随类似ETH的智能合约平台的兴起,NFT技术产生了。例如CryptoPunks 和Bored Apes 数字头像等项目被制作出来,甚至还有Tom Sachs and Damien Hirst这样知名艺术家的作品。
In essence, NFTs are digital representations of such items stored on the blockchain.
In simple terms, an NFT is a token that possesses a unique identifier and has additional parameters that allow you to store certain information on it. 简单的说,NFT是一种TOKEN,这种TOKEN有特别的唯一性,有附加的参数让你存储一些特定信息。 parameter参数
Additionally, NFTs cannot be divided into smaller pieces like conventional cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin, for example, is divisible up to 8 decimal places. Therefore, NFTs are usually illiquid and harder to sell since the NFT has to be purchased in its entirety.
Authenticity and Efficiency
Verifying authenticity and transaction efficiency are usual pain points when it comes to non-fungible goods. For instance, if someone were to run off with the Mona Lisa and then attempt to sell it, it would be difficult to verify its authenticity without bringing in art experts. The thief might create multiple replicas and sell them to different buyers.
Authenticity真实性 可靠性,在区块链世界似乎更应该翻译成确权的。
With digital art, it is even easier to create copies and claim the piece as their own; and unlike the real world, there is no way to verify which digital image is the original. This is where NFTs come in.
With NFTs, you can digitally certify that an asset is authentic, and artists can easily prove that a particular work is original. Additionally, you can verify the provenance of digital assets through the blockchain. For example, you can easily track when an asset was first created and subsequently sold. You can then follow the trail and track the list of past owners and view how much each buyer paid for the piece.
使用nft,你可以通过数字方式证明一项资产是 (authentic)确权的,艺术家也可以很容易地证明某一特定作品是原创的。此外,您还可以通过区块链来验证数字资产的来源。例如,您可以轻松地跟踪资产最初创建和随后出售的时间。然后,你可以跟踪过去所有者的列表,查看每个买家支付了多少。
值显然更低,如果你生活在一个王道法制社会,那你的房价则会提高。如果更悲惨的生活中战争国度,那你的房子价值会更加绝望的低。所以在现实世界,你的土地价值,伴随确权能力和当地的经济水平发展而出现层级。不管是土地,你的国家货币也会有确权的问题,例如伴随乌克兰俄罗斯战争,大国货币我说的是欧元和日元对美元的汇率都出现了萎缩,美元走强。 而国家货币,或者更专业的词汇法币,相对区块链世界的主流币例如比特币,长期来看,确权性是更加的不靠谱(大部分国家都是每五年左右价值减半)。长远的看来,区块链上的产业,例如虚拟土地和加密头像,确权性也会远远的比现实世界里的珠宝靠谱。
NFTs mitigate issues such as fraud and plagiarism, which is a common problem all non-fungible goods face. Rather than hiring an expert, we can verify the authenticity of an NFT using the blockchain. In addition, we can also check whether an NFT is part of a larger collection by checking whether the contract addresses match.
Mitigate 减轻
With NFTs, you can digitally certify that an asset is authentic, and artists can easily prove that a particular work is original. Additionally, you can verify the provenance of digital assets through the blockchain. For example, you can easily track when an asset was first created and subsequently sold. You can then follow the trail and track the list of past owners and view how much each buyer paid for the piece.
Provenance 起源
很多人对于NFT作为数字资产存有偏见,总觉得数字产品不靠谱,拿数字头像举例吧,比方无聊猴子头像,怎么一个可以十万百万美元?而且人人可以轻易复制,随便用在自己的其他社交媒体,例如推特和微信头像? 我们先拿现实中的财产情况说明,例如你有一套某国某地区的房子,其实这套房子也有自己的地理坐落,也有工人的人类劳动注入,也有你自己和家人的实际居住,也有当地政府的确权法律文件(强度和确权能力各国各地都不同),最最重要的是“共识”,也就是周围的人民都承认你才是这套房子的主人。“共识”的本质上人类想像力的集合认同,只要周围人认同这套房子是你的了,其实偶尔你的法律文书丢失,也可以通过周围人的共识确认回复,你偶尔出国几年,只要共识还在,这套房子依然也归属你。
我们再想一下,即使这套房子所谓“真正” 的归属你了,在这个固定的地理和时间,是不是也会有别的人在?是不是小鸟也会随意进入?也就是说,即使共识了,真正的归属,本质上依然是人类的共同的想象。 不要小瞧这个共识能力,人类能够建立超大机构,例如公司,国家,全部仰赖人类的共识想像力。
经过一系列步骤后,唯一的所有人。 其实NFT的确权也是类似的,先要有公链,相当于星球,再有某个NFT交易平台,相当于国家,再有项目,相当于小区——项目开发出来了必须经过上链,类似在国家进行公证——这正是区块链的拿手好戏。
NFTs are already disrupting many industries. For example, artists do not need intermediaries like art galleries (often gatekeepers and highly selective) to market and sell their work. Art galleries also charge exorbitant commission fees of up to 50%, reducing the net pay to the artists.1 With NFTs, artists can sell their work directly to purchasers on NFT marketplaces such as OpenSea.
Intermediaries中间人,媒介 exorbitant 极高的
区块链精神的一个体现就是去中介,去媒。去媒如何理解呢,假如俄罗斯想把石油卖给伊朗,现在的系统主要还是走美元(因为美元强势,共识强,各国政府和各国流氓都认),如果碰到白登这样的政客,俄罗斯的钱可能分分钟被封(上一个例子是阿富汗亲美政府的不幸案例)。那么,最好是俄罗斯和伊朗直接交易,不通过第三方赚差价。这是国家层面的需要去媒。普通人的去媒也不难理解,如果有一个网站给你免费介绍多金老公或者工作,或者有一个靠谱的外卖网站直接免费让你联系快递员? 在NFT出现之后,作为艺术水平刚起步的你,终于可以方便的把自己的歌曲,绘画,视频等等挂靠到NFT平台上,等待同好的欣赏。
甚至,如果你需要,你可以设置你的NFT作品的未来交易税,归你自己所有,例如你的一副电子绘画,之后每交易一次,你可以按照你设定的比例提成!每次都可以提成!你不需要认识交易的双方,电子合约自动生成。代码即法律,don’t trust ,verify
Art is just one example where NFTs are disrupting intermediaries. The key takeaway is that NFTs can tokenize anything and remove layers of inefficiencies beyond authenticity.
艺术只是nft打扰中介机构的一个例子。关键的结论是,nft可以TOKEN化任何东西,并消除确权性之外的低效层次。 这段话的意思是说NFT的出现,任何虚拟品都可以通过区块链实现TOKEN化,毕竟NFT的T就是TOKEN.
Centrifuge integrates with MakerDAO to onboard non- digital assets as collateral through their app, Tinlake. Centrifuge与MakerDAO集成,通过其应用程序Tinlake将非数字资产作为抵押品。
Tinlake turns real-world assets such as mortgages into NFTs with all of the necessary legal documentation attached. On 21 April 2021, the company successfully executed its first MakerDAO loan for $181,000 by using a house as collateral, effectively creating one of the first blockchain-based mortgages.
Imagine if governments and other companies start using NFTs for their documents and processes. How much more efficient will it be when everything is tokenized? The possibilities are endless, and it is only a matter of time before the world catches on!
When the Ethereum network launched in July 2015 and introduced programmable code through smart contracts, developers finally had a viable platform to develop NFT projects. One of the first NFTs on the Ethereum network was Etheria, a virtual isometric world where players can own tiles, farm them for blocks, and build things. The project was created in 2015 and has since become a collector’s item for being a part of Ethereum’s history.4
smart contracts 智能合约
智能合约”(Smart contract)这个术语至少可以追溯到1995年,是由学者尼克•萨博(Nick Szabo)提出来的。他的定义如下:
一般的,我们认为智能合约属于区块链词汇,正如元宇宙也属于区块链词汇一样。 智能合约需要在类似以太坊的区块链平台上运行,以太坊的代码决定了两个以太坊的用户可以通过智能合约交易,交易的时候,完全依照代码预设的规律进行。 我们可以假设一个场景,未来你的自动驾驶汽车如果在一条政府限速150码的上海到湖州的高速公路上运行,这时你想超越前车,如果对方也是自动驾驶汽车,则可以通过智能合约自动进行。 1,你设置的超车条件是,在2037年的4月9日当天下午两点到五点之间,愿意支付相当于最多5元(0.005当日ETH币或者其他)的超车费/每次, 2,对方的愿意被超车条件是,愿意接受最少3元(0.003当日ETH币或者其他)的超车费/每次。 双方都通过以太坊内部的一个叫做“礼让”DAPP平台的智能合约进行自动交易。交易成功,两台自动驾驶汽车通过自动避让程序,完成作业。
Blockchains are public playgrounds for decentralized applications. Anyone can create anything on blockchain networks, but that also means there are no requirements or standards to conform to. For example, we can build a slide with plastic, but another person may build a slide using a different material such as cement. The point is that due to its decentralized nature, there are no enforceable standards.
enforceable 可强行的,可强迫的。这段话的意思是区块链世界是去中心化的,并没有一个中心管理政府,也没有强制性的NFT制作标准。
In the not-so-distant future, you should be able to bridge NFTs on Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible chains that use a similar ERC-721 token standard such as Binance Smart Chain and Polygon. On the other hand, non- EVM compatible chains like Solana, which uses the SPL NFT standard, will require new infrastructure to be built before you can move your NFTs over.
在不久的将来,您应该能够在以太坊虚拟机(EVM)兼容的链上连接nft,这些链使用类似的ERC-721TOKEN标准,如绑定币安智能链和POLYGON链。另一方面,像Solana这样的非EVM兼容链,它使用了SPL NFT标准,在你移动你的NFT之前,将需要建立新的基础设施。
With a total sales volume of over $8 billion, Ethereum far outstrips other chains. The next largest is Ronin, Axie Infinity’s sidechain. However, we are starting to see more and more NFTs being minted and sold on other blockchains such as Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, and Solana.
Most ERC-721 tokens come with an attached standardized set of metadata used for name display, description, and image of a digital asset. As part of the minting process, the metadata and associated files are deployed onto the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)
IPFS provides us with a secure, transparent, decentralized, and public way to host asset metadata. The metadata on NFTs is usually frozen to ensure that your NFTs can still be proudly displayed for years to come. This means that the NFTs properties will be permanently locked and stored using the decentralized file storage system and cannot be edited or removed.
IPFS为我们提供了一种安全,透明,分散和公开的方式来托管资产元数据。NFT上的元数据通常会被冻结,以确保您的NFT在未来几年内仍然可以自豪地显示。这意味着 NFT 属性将使用分散式文件存储系统永久锁定和存储,并且无法编辑或删除。
For NFTs that may serve as functional game pieces, the metadata can also be left unfrozen and used to display dynamic abilities and statistics. In this case, the NFT metadata can be changed or evolved in-game, unlocking additional properties. In some cases, it makes them even more unique- imagine combining different pieces to create a new, unique NFT character! This is all possible by leveraging the token's metadata.
n the example below, we used OpenSea to view the “trait”panel for the Pudgy Penguins collection. For this collection, there are several main traits Body, Face, Head, Background, each with its own sub-traits. Under Background, we can see five traits (there are more traits, but OpenSea's interface only shows five at a time and needs to be scrolled down)
在下面的示例中,我们使用 OpenSea 查看“胖企鹅”系列的“特征”面板。对于这个系列,有几个主要特征身体,面部,头部,背景,每个都有自己的子特征。在后台,我们可以看到五个特征(还有更多的特征,但OpenSea的界面一次只显示五个,需要向下滚动)
Pudgy 矮肥圆 美剧里的企鹅和拉丁人经常有这样的角色特征
Panel 面板 还可以表达会议室一整桌子(一整个长桌板)的人
Fungible assets have the property of being uniform and interchangeable, and thus, makes trading easier. For example, shares are traded on stock exchanges, for instance the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, and London Stock Exchange. Fungible cryptocurrencies are also interchangeable and thus traded on crypto exchanges such as Coinbase, Binance, and Uniswap.
Fungible assets 可互换的资产
Non-fungible assets, particularly those that are unique and rare, are not suitable to be traded on such exchanges. The value of each asset is subject to many different considerations and can vary significantly.In the real-world non-fungible items are listed and sold on marketplaces like eBavand Etsyo consigned and auctioned off via auction houses like Christie’s and Sotheby’s
不可替代的资产,特别是那些独特和稀有的资产,不适合在此类交易所交易。每种资产的价值都受到许多不同的考虑因素的影响,并且可能会有很大差异。在现实世界中,不可替代的物品在eBavand Etsyo等市场上列出和出售,这些市场通过佳士得和苏富比等拍卖行委托和拍卖。
For NFTs, a marketplace is also needed to facilitate the minting, sale, and secondary trading of NFTs between prospective NFT buyers and sellers. There are multiple NFT marketplaces available, each specializing in catering to different groups of NFT buyers and sellers. For this section, we use OpenSea as an example to show you the various functions available on a typical NFT marketplace.
Founded in December 2017 by Alex Atallah and Devin Finzer,OpenSea is a generalized marketplace set up to facilitate the trading of NFTs. One may mistake OpenSea as a place solely for trading NFT art pieces, but that's far from the truth. The platform comprises many NFT categories, including digital art, music, domain names, virtual land, trading cards, and more. OpenSea
今天是2022年10月21日星期五 ,读者朋友们可以在APT和SUI链等等项目上试着投机一下域名市场了,毕竟几乎不花钱,胜率又高。
Next, a MetaMask confirmation will pop up, and you will have to either confirm or reject the transaction.
If you click on the “Edit” button, there will be the option to increase or decrease the Max fee. Increasing it will hasten the transaction while decreasing it will cause the transaction to take longer to confirm. When you're done, click on Save, and then Confirm.
The process to upload an NFT on OpenSea is slightly different than other NFT platforms. First things first, you’ll need to create a collection. To do this, go to your profile icon, and select My Collections. From here, tap on Create a Collection, allowing you to begin a new collection.
One of the most rampant scams out there is replicatingNFT project websites or popular marketplaces like OpenSea. Often, unwary users will be prompted to connect their crypto wallets to the fake website to mint or transact with an NFT In most cases, the action will drain the funds from the users’ wallets. whereas the more “fortunate” ones will end up paying for a fake NFT
So how can you avoid falling for this? Always double-check all the website links before you click on them. The official links are usually shared in each projects' locked Discord channels (e.g, Announcement or FAQ channels) or on their Twitter page.
Rampant猖獗 replicate重复,复制 prompt 被煽动然后激情做事 这词也有一些及时反馈的味道 这词表示的都是一些冲动的人
(come to) a prompt decision (作出)迅速的决定。 be prompt to obey [carry out an order] 即刻服从[执行]命令——这段话后面也幽默了一下,“幸运”的人买到了假的NFT。
Discord 不调和,不和 在这里是APP的名字,也经常被国内昵称为“迪斯科”。这个需要科学上网的。 这个APP通常被NFT国际爱好者(赌狗)用来传递信息,APP的条理性特别好,特别适合做项目。
Another good “mint habit” to foster is to glance through the comments on the project’s social channels as you prepare for a mint. Often, internet sleuths will call out scams, and if you see any, it's best to take a step back and investigate deeper. In cases where you are unsure but still insist on buying or minting an NFT in the hopes of striking gold, connect using a new wallet with just the right amount of funds needed.
Sleuths 侦探
Impersonation scams have been around for a long time and unfortunately still very much prevalent in the world of crypto. Scammers often impersonate the projects’ customer support team to prey on unsuspecting users in need of help. Usually, these are phishing attempts to get ahold of the targets personal details and sensitive information such as their wallet seed phrases
Impersonation 使人格化 体现 假冒 IM-PERSON 表示冒充某人的意思
Wallet seed phrases: 钱包助记词
Another common scam is fake giveaways that trick and entice users into connecting their wallets with a fake website or surrendering their private keys. If done successfully, the users’funds will be at the mercy of the scammers, allowing them to all of the wallet’s assets.
Sophisticated hackers may even bypass security and take control of the project’s social media or Discord accounts. This essentially allows hackers to share fake “official links”in “official channels”that can dupe even the most careful users, as in the case of Beeple’s Discord group, which led to a user losing ~38 ETH While there’s no sure-fire way to prevent such incidents, you can perform due diligence by cross-checking multiple sources (e.g. Twitter, Discord, Telegram, official website) before attempting to buy or mint any NFTs.
另一个常见的骗局是虚假赠品,欺骗和诱使用户将其钱包与虚假网站连接或交出私钥。如果成功完成,用户的资金将受到诈骗者的摆布,使他们能够耗尽钱包的所有资产。老练的黑客甚至可能绕过安全性并控制项目的社交媒体或迪斯科帐户。这基本上允许黑客在“官方渠道”中共享虚假的“官方链接”,甚至可以欺骗最谨慎的用户,例如Beeple的Discord组,这导致用户损失约38 ETH虽然没有确定的方法来防止此类事件,但您可以通过交叉检查多个来源(例如Twitter, 迪斯科,电报,官方网站)之前,试图购买或MINT任何NFT。
Entice怂恿,引诱而出entice sb. into doing [to do] 怂恿某人做…
drain 排掉,喝光 使枯竭drain the flooded mine 排干矿上的积水。 drain a glass of beer 喝干一杯啤酒。drain a country of its resources 使国家资源枯竭。这段话用了生动的drain来形容骗子快乐的诈骗成功的过程
The art NFT movement is a movement that was primarily driven by a small community of digital artists. As the scene garnered more attention and clout other artists started coming on board. Budding digital artists saw it as the chance to showcase their work, while traditional and more renowned artists made the leap to begin experimenting digitally
Budding 正发芽的,含苞待放的a budding beauty 妙龄女郎。 a budding lawyer 初露头角的律师。 a budding scientist 正在成长中的科学家
Artists and creators can now create their art directly as NFT's and directl generate revenue from their fans without any middlemen. Without dealing with fees from distributors and publishers, artists can now earn their fair share based on what users are willing to pay
除了middlemen 英文还有其他的概念的中间交易人。
商业掮客commission merchant (私下两头带话撮合人)
NFTs essentially opened up the digital art industry because of their ability to protect ownership rights. Before NFTs, the Internet was a sea of artwork that was difficult to trace because anyone could easily copy or reproduce these media assets without any ownership rights attributed. Now, NFTs allow artists to place their stamp of origin onto any digital media. While this still does not prevent people from “copy-pasting”, it does prove the origin of the artwork.
Lowball Bids
While strictly not a scam, this is still a widespread phenomenon that both aspiring and veteran NFT collectors should note. It is common to receive multiple offers for your NFT, especially for popular collections or rare pieces. When you receive an offer for your NFT, pay close attention to the denomination of the cryptocurrency for the offer. Is the offer denominated in ETH, DAI, USDC, or some other tokens?
Take the below offer for Poet #3179, for instance. While 1.25 ETH might be a decent offer to consider for the NFT, 1.25 USDC is undoubtedly not In this case, the bidder is hoping that the NFT owner mistakenly accepts the offer for a quick and easy profit, so watch out for these tactics!
低球竞标 虽然严格来说不是骗局,但这仍然是一个普遍的现象,有抱负的和经验丰富的NFT收藏家都应该注意。通常会收到NFT的多个优惠,特别是对于流行的收藏品或稀有作品。当您收到NFT的报价时,请密切关注报价的加密货币面额。报价是否以ETH,DAI,USDC或其他一些代币计价?以下面诗人项目#3179的报价为例。虽然1.25 ETH可能是NFT考虑的一个不错的报价,但1.25 USDC无疑不是在这种情况下(人民币十块钱,还不够你的GAS费),投标人希望NFT所有者错误地接受报价以获得快速和轻松的利润,所以要注意这些策略!
Lowball Bids低球竞标Lowball的原意是“低球讯号”,是早期美国铁路用的一种讯号术语,球的讯号是以悬挂在一根绳子上一盏灯来显示,表示危险。在本文是指恶意的用不同的虚拟币价格单位来忽悠玩家,虚晃一枪,愿者上钩。
Veteran老兵 老杆子 美元对标币TSDC以前号称很稳妥 现在还是一般认为币安交易所的BUSD更靠谱
SR SuperRare
SuperRare is a marketplace with highly curated NFTs and is a more community-centric platform. Being highly curated, you can expect the marketplace to work closely with artists and feature a smaller variety of art. SuperRare also has its fungible token named RARE SR
Rarible is an NFT marketplace that offers various NFTs (e.g., art, video, etc. and is not content-restricted (i.e., curated, unlike some platforms. Like SuperRare, Rarible has its own NFT token, RARI, and is part of a larger initiative to decentralize the platform.
mp MakersPlace
Another lesser-known NFT exchange would be MakersPlace. The way they distinguish themselves from the competition is by offering “truly unique’ NFTs. Most of these are one-off creations and are from exclusive collections Artists such as Shakira and T-Pain have also held NFT drops on MakersPlace.
N Nifty Gateway
Nifty Gateway is another NFT marketplace, owned by the crypto exchange Gemini. The platform is famously known for hosting Beeple's $6.6 million sale of CROSSROAD. Other famous collections include drops from musicians like Grimes, Eminem, and The Weeknd
Catering to your NFT trading needs on the Solana ecosystem is Solanart Despite being in beta, the marketplace is already actively facilitating trades including prominent collections such as Degen Ape Academy and Aurory
Binance NFT
The popular crypto exchange, Binance, has also gotten into the NFT game by setting up its own marketplace. Aptly named Binance NFT, the marketplace allows users to buy and sell Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum NFTs.
Artion is a new Fantom-based NFT marketplace launched by Andre Cronje Its source code is open-source, and unlike other marketplaces,Artion does not charge any platform fees for mints and purchases.
Artion是FANTOM简中俗称饭桶链的NFT所,Andre Cronje(DFI币外号大姨夫币的创始人,一万倍传奇)的开源所,这个所的特色就是不收MINT费
However, you should still be wary of gas fees when it comes to purchasing or minting NFTs on Ethereum. Be sure to double-check the amount you are being charged for transaction fees, as there have been too many incidents where individuals have accidentally overpaid for gas.10
Collectors are willing to spend hefty amounts on art NFTs because these NFTs are limited and have proof of ownership on the blockchain. In other words, NFTs facilitate the value of origin and provenance--this is important because actors such as “prior owners” and the “painter's identity” play asignificant role in driving art value.11 There are many examples in the traditional art industry where paintings were sold cheaply but later revalued once the original artist and owner were identified.12收藏家愿意在艺术NFT上花费大量资金,因为这些NFT是有限的,并且有区块链所有权证明。换句话说,NFT促进了原产地和出处的价值 - 这很重要,因为诸如“先前所有者”和“画家的身份”之类的演员扮演着一个角色。
Art is also subjective. It has taken on many forms, from sculptures such as Auguste Rodin’s The Thinker, to Michelangelo’s famous fresco that adorns the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling. With the advent of the Internet, art now exists in digital format and is created natively on digital platforms. In a sense, NFTs are the amalgamation of technology’s advancement and art.
Amalgamation .汞合,汞齐化。引申为合并,有时候也指美国的种族融合
Beeple is the pseudonym used by Mike Winkelmann,a South Carolina-based graphic designer with 1.8 million Instagram followers. His artworks have been shown in Louis Vuitton’s collection and at least one of ustin Bieber’s concerts, yet he has no gallery representation in the traditional art world. 比普尔•比普尔是迈克•温克尔曼(Mike Winkelmann)使用的化名,他是一位位于南卡罗来纳州的平面设计师,拥有180万Instagram粉丝。他的作品曾在路易威登的收藏中展出,并至少在乌斯廷比伯的一场音乐会中展出,但他在传统艺术界没有画廊作品。
Until October 2020, Mike Winkelmann was selling his digital prints for merely $100.The first part in Beeple’s artwork, titled “Everyday’s-The First5000 Days” dates back to 1 May 2007. That was when Beeple set out to create and publish online a new artwork every day, which is a task he had been doing for the past 13 years. His artwork focuses on society’s obsession and fear of technology
到2020年10月,迈克•温克尔曼(Mike Winkelmann)仅以100美元起拍的价格出售他的数字印刷品,比普尔艺术作品的第一部分,名为“每天-前5000天”,可追溯到2007年5月1日。从那天开始,Beeple开始每天在网上创作和出版一件新作品,这是他过去13年来一直在做的工作。他的作品聚焦于社会对技术的痴迷和恐惧。
《每一天:最初的5000天》(Everydays: The First 5000 Days,它是艺术家迈克•温科尔曼(艺名Beeple)自2007年5月年起耗费5000多日每日创作作品的马赛克集合,是一幅巨型拼贴作品。从2007年5月起,他每天在网上创作和发布一件新的艺术作品,最终把5000张作品图拼接成一个316MB的JPG文件。
这件NFT作品在佳士得拍卖行以100美元起拍,一个小时内价格攀升至100万美元,15天后以6934万美元(约合人民币4.5亿元)落槌,成为在世艺术家作品拍卖史上价值第三高的艺术品,拍卖行称,该拍品竞拍截止到最后一分钟有220万访客访问拍卖页面,成交价大幅突破了NFT艺术作品的世界纪录。 [
XCOPY is a London-based crypto artist who explores death, dystopia, and apathy through distorted visual loops. XCOPY participated in the SuperRare launch in 2018, becoming the second-ever artist to mint on the now-iconic platform.
反乌托邦 非理想化的地方,糟透的社会;地狱般的处境
iconic标志性的; 图标的; 符号的;
now-iconic 现在标志性的 例如麦当劳的那个金拱门就可以用这个词组形容The now iconic logo had its start in 1952, when the McDonald’s brothers were interviewing architects to design the first McDonald's location
Cath Simard
Back in 2017, landscape photographer Cath Simard captured an image of a lonely road in Hawaii. Posted on her Instagram account, it quickly became viral and was soon shared by thousands on various social media platforms. However, many failed to credit the original photographer in their postings, and Simard could not obtain any monetary compensation even after fighting multiple copyright infringement cases.
In the end, Simard decided to mint the photo as an NFT on SuperRare and have its usage rights released to the public after its purchase. It was placed for auction with a reserve price of 100 ETH. A well-known NFT collector, Gmoney purchased this NFT. The photograph can now be used by Gmoney for any commercial purpose without the need to attribute it to the photographer.
#FreeHawaii Photo is now one of the most famous photographs turned into an NFT.
早在2017年,风景摄影师凯斯•西玛德(Cath Simard)就拍摄了夏威夷一条孤独道路的照片。它发布在她的Instagram帐户上,迅速成为病毒式传播,并很快被数千人在各种社交媒体平台上分享。然而,许多人在他们的帖子中未能注明原摄影师,即使与多起版权侵权案件作斗争,Simard也无法获得任何金钱赔偿。最后,西玛德决定在SuperRare上将这张照片作为NFT铸造,并在购买后向公众发布其使用权。它被拍卖,底价为100 ETH。作为著名的NFT收藏家,格莫尼购买了这款NFT。现在,Gmoney可以将这张照片用于任何商业目的,而无需将其归因于摄影师。#FreeHawaii照片现在是变成NFT的最著名的照片之一。
Infringement破坏(法律等),侵犯(权利等),违反(协议等)。 Be careful not to infringe the rights of other people. 当心不要侵犯别人的权利
Musicians worldwide have also started embracing this innovative medium to breathe new life into the music industry. From unreleased tracks to exclusive full albums, artists can now publish their songs directly as NFTs and generate revenue directly from their fans, without any middlemen.
Without dealing with intermediaries such as record labels, distributors, and publishers, musicians can now earn their fair share based on what users are willing to pay. For example, Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park received a $10,000 bid on one of his NFTs, and reaffirmed the potential of NFTs by stating that he would “never get even close to $10,000”from Digital Service Providers after deducting fees.26
如果不与唱片公司、分销商和出版商等中介机构打交道,音乐家们现在就可以根据用户愿意支付的价格来赚取他们应得的份额。例如,Linkin Park的Mike Shinoda在他的NFT中收到了1万美元的出价,并重申了NFT的潜力,他说在扣除费用后,他将“永远不会从数字服务提供商那里得到接近10,000美元”。
We are used to musicians making music through instruments, but what if the music was randomly generated using the power of math? Euler Beats brings this to reality by allowing users to mint a limited series of unique NFTs based on Euler’s Number. e. and the Euler’s totient function. The art and music for each piece are algorithmically generated using data such as the creator’s wallet address and the block hash at the time of minting
我们习惯于音乐家通过乐器制作音乐,但如果音乐是用数学的力量随机生成的呢?Euler Beats通过允许用户根据欧拉数MINT有限系列的独特NFT,将这一点变为现实。和欧拉的图腾函数。每件作品的艺术和音乐都是使用创作者的钱包地址和铸造时的区块哈希等数据通过算法生成的
Euler’s Number 欧拉数,指一种数学算法
这个音乐 NFT 项目 Eulerbeats 以十八世纪瑞士数学家莱昂哈德•欧拉 (Leonhard Euler) 命名。
The Euler Record consists of two limited series called Genesis and Enigma each made up of 27 NFTs. Mirroring old master records, each NFT set has one unique, non-fungible original token and a series of fungible copies known as prints.
A total of 119 and 160 print tokens can be minted from each Genesis and Enigma original NFT. When sold, print token holders can opt to receive a refund of up to 90% of the current printing cost by burning their prints. 8% of the price of each print is sent to the original holder, while 2% goes towards the EulerBeats project.
NFTs from Genesis and Enigma are priced using the bonding curve mathematical formula. Therefore, as print token holders create new prints from the original token, the price of subsequent prints increases exponentially.
欧拉唱片由两个名为创世纪和恩尼格玛的限量系列组成,每个系列由 27 个 NFT 组成。 镜像旧的主记录,每个 NFT 集都有一个独特的、不可替代的原始代币和一系列称为印刷品的可替代副本。每个创世纪和恩尼格玛原创 NFT 总共可以铸造 119 和 160 个印刷代币。出售后,印刷代币持有者可以选择通过燃烧他们的印刷品来获得高达 90% 的当前印刷成本退款。每张印刷品价格的 8% 发送给原始持有者,而 2% 用于 EulerBeats 项目。来自创世纪和恩尼格玛的 NFT 使用键合曲线数学公式定价。因此,随着打印令牌持有者从原始令牌创建新打印件,后续打印的价格呈指数级增长。
bonding curve mathematical formula键合曲线数学公式
Exponentially 指数级的
1 引进了购买者交易得益模式,也会有人认为有CX的嫌疑 ,而且根据数学曲线,越是早起参与者,越能享受项目的发展。 这相当于什么呢,相当于你参与了早期的滴滴打车,结果你滴滴做大了,你居然也有股份。
以「Genesis」为例,二十七张原盘 NFT 经过拍卖分发。每张原盘可以复刻 119 次。也就是每张原盘最多可以「铸造」 Token 119 枚。
每复刻一张原盘,原盘所有者可获得其中 8% 作为版税收益。
3引进了退款模式:如果有人认为复刻版价格过高或在市场难以出售,可以市场现价「销毁」(相当于退货给智能合约),拿到现价 90% 退款。Genesis下次「销毁收入」便是下次成交价的 90%(即 12.776 * 90% = 11.4984 ETH)。
4 持有者天然形成社区,尤其是去中心化的DAO组织:
另外,原盘作为一件单独产品,很容易形成社区。一个小的社区也会成长为一个 DAO。例如,可以将原盘「分化 (fractionalization)(现在已经有这样的分化DAPP了」,让更多人获享总体收益,同时参与到未来产品决策中。
封闭投资团体 BeetsDAO 三月在 EulerBeats 的 Discord 群组筹集 300 ETH 参加 Enigma 拍卖。购得 Enigma LP 02、04、17、20 四张原盘。
5 这条应该算番外:
新加坡歌手、词曲作者、唱片制作人和演员林俊杰在加密货币市场 Decentraland 购买了三块虚拟土地,在那里可以买卖虚拟房地产,用户可以登录并在“元宇宙”中四处游荡。
他目前拥有 Decentraland 的三个虚拟地块:Prime Gallery 1、Primary Gallery 2 和最靠近 GENESIS PLAZA 的地块。这三个地块是在OpenSea NFT 市场上购买的 ,每块地块的价格为 6000 MANA (Decentraland 的加密货币),或者按照目前的价格(约 5 美元/MANA),每块地块约为 30,000 美元(190000人民币) 。
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1b54y1m7BN/?vd_source=f047043a3930c38ea2898da1135b8c53 人工智能给舒伯特未完成之章写了完成:)
Token holders can also get profile badges to show off to their friends. These badges are divided into four tiers based on the number of AUDIO tokens held on Audius. Each tier comes with its special perks, such as Discord roles NFT collectibles, and much more. To top it off, users can even vote on what benefits they receive for each tier through governance.
TOKEN持有者还可以获得个人资料徽章,向他们的朋友炫耀。这些徽章根据Audius上持有的AUDIO代币数量分为四层。每个等级都有其特殊福利,例如 Discord 角色 NFT 收藏品等等。最重要的是,用户甚至可以投票决定他们通过治理从每个层获得什么好处。
show off 炫耀
tier层 城市的线层
NFT诞生之后,小广告等等的定向输出变的更精准,好比你对国际航线的乘客进行无差别广告投放,效果肯定比自己老家的县城街头广告效果好。高端的NFT持有者已经完成了自我 dont trust ,just verify的过程。他是在炫耀,但是真的不算装。
CryptoPunks have a long and illustrious history. In 2017, co-creators John Watkinson and Matt Hall (both would later go on to found Larva Labs issued 10,000 CryptoPunks, all of which were procedurally generated and claimed for free (claimers merely had to pay a small Ethereum minting gas fee).
加密朋克有着悠久而辉煌的历史。2017年,共同创作者John Watkinson和Matt Hall(两人后来都成立了Larva Labs,发行了10,000个CryptoPunks,所有这些都是程序生成的,并免费领取(领取者只需支付一小笔以太坊GAS费)
Attributes were randomized and funneled through a generator based on the creators'curated elements. Different traits sprung up, some rarer than others. For example, some were aliens (only nine such CryptoPunks) and apes (only24 such CryptoPunks), while most were plain old humanoids.
Funneled 漏斗形的汇集
However, real attention shifted towards CrvptoPunks only when celebrities venture capitalists, and business personalities started snapping them up as investments. The main allure of CryptoPunks was their historical relevance as one of the first-ever NFTs on Ethereum. Even Three Arrows Capital, one of the most successful crypto venture firms in the space, has acquired CryptoPunks.
Beyond just existing as a JPEG, however, CryptoPunks later became a membership pass’to LarvaLabs latest project, Meebits. Meebits, launched in May 2021, are 3D voxel characters randomly created by a generative algorithm. Meebits aims to become the digital avatar of the virtual world by being interoperable between multiple virtual worlds. In total. there are only 20.000 Meebits. Half of them were claimed by the owners of CryptoPunks and Autoglyph (another project by LarvaLabs) while the other half was auctioned off using Dutch Auction. They quickly sold out after the launch.
除了作为JPEG存在之外,CryptoPunks后来成为LarvaLabs最新项目Meebits的会员通行证。Meebits于2021年5月推出,是由生成算法随机创建的3D体素字符。Meebits旨在通过在多个虚拟世界之间互操作来成为虚拟世界的数字化身。 总的来说。全项目只有两万个。其中一半是由CryptoPunks和自动字形(LarvaLabs的另一个项目)的所有者声称的,而另一半则使用荷兰拍卖会拍卖。它们在发布后很快就售罄了。
membership pass’ 会员证,这个词汇更侧重某个虚拟沙龙的许可通过的意思。
NFT作为会员证的玩法,和区块链世界的其他功能例如元宇宙的打通的玩法,已经出现。 通过购买明星发型的NFT,你可能自动获得一些VIP待遇,例如允许你免费收听收看明星的线上表演,虚拟空间歌唱会,等等。
Over time, many holders started to imbue their identity into CryptoPunks so much so that people began to recognize and respect CryptoPunk holders within the crypto community. Owners recognized the social status it conferred and began changing their profile pictures on social media platforms (e.g., Twitter, Discord, etc.) to CryptoPunks.
imbue 浸染 感染He is imbued with new ideas. 他受了新思想的感染
Hashmasks introduces a combination of digital art and collectibles with a value hierarchy determined by both the creator and the consumer of the artwork Unlike other collectibles, where the creators set out the rarity of all traits, Hashmasks includes two layers of scarcity:
Unique traits - Hashmasks are randomly assigned a Character,
Mask, Eye colors, Skin colors, and Items during the initial distribution period.The name - Hashmasks can be assigned names. The name is the
rarest of all traits, and the user can change the name by burning Name Change Token (NCT). Each name is unique and can only belong to one Hashmask.
哈希面具引入了数字艺术和收藏品的组合,其价值层次结构由艺术品的创作者和消费者共同决定 与其他收藏品不同,创作者列出了所有特征的稀有性,哈希面具包括两层稀缺性: 1. 独特特征 - 哈希面具被随机分配一个角色, 蒙版, 眼睛颜色, 肤色, 和初始分发期间的项目。2. 名称 - 哈希面具可以分配名称。名称是所有特征中最稀有的,用户可以通过刻录名称更改TOKEN (NCT) 来更改名称。每个名称都是唯一的,只能属于一个哈希面具。
Name Change Token (NCT) 名称更改TOKEN (NCT)
YugaLabs released Bored Ape Yacht Club(BAYCon 30th April 2021.Each of the 10000 Apes is unique and programmatically generated using 170 possible traits, including background, clothes, earrings, eyes, fur, hat, mouth, and more. The traits and designs were heavily inspired by the '80s and '90s punk rock and hip hop genres.
In BAYC’s world, which is set in the year 2031, these Apes hang out in a swamp club and 'get weird’ because they are extremely rich and bored.
BAYC owners were granted these utilities at launch: full commercial rights on any BAYC owned and access to a private Bathroom'where holders can put graffiti on the wall.
One of the main reasons for its success is the transparency and constant communication delivered by the project team. Many creators of NFT projects stopped offering any further updates or development to their projects after the initial sale, but BAYC has created a future roadmap and is constantly seeking ways to surprise holders. For example, there was a surprise gift (airdrop) in the form of the Bored Ape Kennel Club (BAKC). Similar to Meebits,BAYC holders were able to adopt a free dog NFT on 25th June 2021. The adoption period was set for only one week.In the first six weeks since launch, secondary sales of BAKO incurred a 2.5% rovalty fee.All the proceeds were donated to animal shelters.
BAYC’s strong culture, which developed organically due to its interactive community, good chemistry, and openness has attracted many others to be a part of the brand. As the community grew, BAYC eventually became regarded as the second CryptoPunks.
无聊猴子项目成功的主要原因之一是项目团队提供的透明度和持续沟通。NFT 项目的许多创作者在首次销售后停止为其项目提供任何进一步的更新或开发,但 BAYC 已经制定了未来的路线图,并不断寻求给持有者带来惊喜的方法。例如,无聊猿养犬俱乐部(BAKC)的形式有一个惊喜礼物(空投)。与 Meebits 类似,BAYC 持有者能够在 2021 年 6 月 25 日采用免费的狗 NFT。收养期只定为一周。在推出后的前六周内,BAKO的二次销售产生了2.5%的漫游费。所有收益都捐赠给了动物收容所。 BAYC强大的文化,由于其互动社区,良好的化学反应和开放性而有机发展,吸引了许多其他人成为品牌的一部分。随着社区的发展,BAYC最终被视为第二个加密朋克。
1 成熟的社区
2 不是一锤子买卖,项目组要有未来路线图
3 得有空投和良好经济模型
Games have always been built in isolated bubbles controlled by centralized entities. Developers or publishers dictate the rules of the system and usually have strict conditions regarding in-game currencies.
Players are generally restricted from selling their game items or assets for fiat currency. Often, they would have to resort to the illegal use of third-party platforms and rely on unsafe Peer-to-Peer(P2Ptransactions. Above all the digital assets are ultimately owned and controlled by the developers.
Now imagine a digital world where games are interconnected, and players can move avatars, assets, and currencies between one another. If you have watched the movie Ready Plaver One (or even read the book), you might be able to resonate with this idea of a gaming paradise. In 'traditional gaming’ one example we can think of would be Pokémon HOME, a mobile application that facilitates the transfer of Pokémon from different Pokémon series and Nintendo consoles through the cloud.
现在想象一个数字世界,其中游戏是相互关联的,玩家可以在彼此之间移动头像、资产和货币。如果你看过电影Ready Player One(甚至读过这本书),你可能会对游戏天堂的想法产生共鸣。在“传统游戏”中,我们可以想到的一个例子是Pokémon HOME,这是一个移动应用程序,可促进通过云端将神奇宝贝从不同的神奇宝贝系列和任天堂游戏机中转移。
resonate .回响,共鸣,反响。
Once in-game currencies and items are deployed as tokens and NFTs, they will become accessible on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and NFT marketplaces. In other words, players can freely trade and exchange these items for other cryptocurrencies such as Dai, USD Coin, Ethereum, and even other gaming assets. This is a result of greater player autonomy as NFTs offer real ownership and allow plavers to do whatever they want with the assets.
DEX decntralized exchanges 去中心化交易所 例如DYDX所
Centralized exchanges 中心化交易所 广义指包括股票期货等等的交易所,狭义指类似币安的虚拟币所
一旦游戏内货币和物品被部署为TOKEN和 NFT,它们将在去中心化交易所 (DEX) 和 NFT 市场上访问。换句话说,玩家可以自由交易和交换这些物品以获得其他加密货币,例如 Dai、USD Coin、以太坊,甚至其他游戏资产。这是玩家获得更多自主权的结果,因为 NFT 提供了真正的所有权,并允许玩家对资产做他们想做的事。
At the same time, it also limits asset hacking, i.e., creating new assets out of thin air because of the security that blockchain provides. Nevertheless, it should be noted that other forms of hacking may still take place if there is a flaw in the smart contract (e.g, unlimited minting) or the game itself (e.g. maphacks, unlimited energy generation, etc.).
In this chapter, we will cover three examples of NFT games and dive into the burgeoning Play-to-Earn(P2E) economy
同时,它还限制了资产黑客攻击,即由于区块链提供的安全性而凭空创建新资产。尽管如此,应该注意的是,如果智能合约(例如,无限铸造)或游戏本身(例如,地图黑客,无限能源产生等)存在缺陷,则仍可能发生其他形式的黑客攻击。在本章中,我们将介绍三个 NFT 游戏示例,并深入探讨蓬勃发展的游戏赚钱 (P2E) 经济
Burgeoning发芽 迅速成长
Willows have burgeoned forth. 柳树已经发芽。 The town burgeoned into a city. 这个集镇很快发展成一座城市。
P2E Play-to-Earn 边玩边赚
以最火爆的《Axie Infinity》为例,数据显示,去年7月份,《Axie Infinity》单月收入超过3亿美金,超过《王者荣耀》。《Axie Infinity》每天的活跃用户量超过200万,在最近的3月份,尽管销售额暴跌61%,销售额仍有3100万美元。(暴跌的部分原因和近期的Ronin价值约6.25亿美元的加密货币被盗有关,Ronin是Axie Infinity的底层区块链。)
当菲律宾开始因为疫情,经济就陷入停滞状态了,有三分之一的年轻人没有工作。对于这些失业者来说,Axie为他们提供了额外的收入的同时,也让他们暂时逃离了残酷的现实世界,在游戏的虚拟世界里搜索探玩(你也可以说是奶头乐)。菲律宾也为亚洲第二大英语使用国,全英文系统的Axie Infinity促使其成为该游戏用户最多的国家。 因此,中心化的政府也分外眼红,甚至要求从Axie Infinity等“play to earn”游戏中获得的收入都需缴纳所得税。
NFTs can be quite illiquid.
This means there’s big potential around projects that are tokenizing NFTs as ERC-20s in order to make them more liquid and easily tradable.
These projects are in the limelight now because so many people are researching NFTs lately and many have started looking for approachable ways to capture some of the upside of these novel assets.
Where even to start though? NFT index platforms and fractionalized collections, I say! Let’s explore the possibilities in this issue of Metaversal
Fractionalized collections 收藏品碎化
Environment (PVE也就是和电脑环境打) and Player-versus-Player (PVP玩家打玩家). In PVE, players play against bots but in PVP, players play against each other.
Whether it is PVP or PVE, players must bring three Axies. Each Axie has four skills, represented by cards randomly drawn every round. There are over100 different skills and nine species of Axies. Axie Infinity also has positioning and energy consumption mechanics.
Unlike most blockchain-based games, Axie Infinity works on both Android and Apple devices. This is on top of their desktop apps which are all operating under the same servers. Users are thus free to play under one account on all devices. Users must have a Ronin Wallet to acquire and breed Axies.
Axie Infinity has two fungible tokens-Axie Infinity Shard (AXS) and Smooth Love Potion (SLP). Both tokens are required to breed an Axie.A single Axie can breed a maximum of seven times. The cost of breeding is 1 AXS + a certain amount of SLP (depending on how many times both parents have bred). 繁殖阿蟹需要两种代币,单个阿蟹最多可以繁殖七次。繁殖成本为1 AXS+一定量的SLP(取决于父母双方繁殖的次数)。这里指出了成功的区块链游戏其实有精巧的金融系统设定,而且还涉及心理学(你的王者荣耀也会让你连续赢和连续输,刺激你的多巴胺,让你成瘾,让你气嘟嘟的去充钱)。下文里介绍的宇宙飞船项目的经济系统,则采用NFT支持升级飞船的办法,然后飞船又可以去采矿获得收益。
In 2021, we started seeing massive growth in gaming NFTs. A large part of this can be attributed to Axie Infinity’s parabolic run, both in terms of the price of AXS, its native token, and the number of daily active users it has gained (1.8 million as of August 2021). Such impressive growth metrics have also put Axie Infinity at the top in terms of crypto protocol revenue.
Axie Infinity may be the King of P2E for now, but other games are starting to capitalize on the P2E trend. Technically any crypto game with a tradable asset can be considered a P2E game. Moreover, more developers are beginning to actively market their products as P2E, specifically because of their low barriers of entry designed to attract free-to-play (F2P) players
free-to-play (F2P) players也就是不掏钱的玩家,比方腾讯经常让你冲一块钱就有什么贵族待遇,结果你一分钱不掏,你美滋滋,其实腾讯比你还美滋滋,因为你也在陪其他贵族玩,其他贵族从你身上获得了陪玩的心理优越感。 每个人都很开心,这样就很好
As more players enter the system, each game becomes its own virtual economy, which is then driven by the current game state and market demand; a derivation of the real influence developers have by controlling the game’ laws. This is very similar to how governments act and react, but instead of policy and regulation, patch updates serve as the method of economic preservation.
derivation .引出,导出。
Patch 补丁
Many of the games we have discussed in this chapter are very new, while others have not even been launched (discussed below under notable mentions). Even Axie Infinity, which launched in 2018 and is one of the oldest blockchain games, is still at the Alpha stage.
Alpha stage.非常初期的阶段,游戏经常用来表示测试版。比方你最近在游戏版玩了王者荣耀的某新英雄(未必上场到正式版),就可以说在Alpha stage玩。
The P2E phenomenon has undoubtedly redefined gaming and proven itself as a surefire way to attract new players but whether or not the in-game economy is sustainable is an entirely different matter. Developers are still trying to come up with the right formula. Each game has to be judged on its own merits.
surefire way一定成功的路线
However, once a solid business model and tokenomics structure have been developed, disrupting the entire gaming industry is inevitable.
tokenomics structure TOKEN经济学,代币经济学,是指研究TOKEN在某个游戏力的不同玩家流动的经济模型的学问
Star Atlas is an upcoming space-themed, grand strategy game set in a metaverse in the year 2620. Like EVE Online, players will have to manage politics, trade routes, and economically productive territories. Each in-game asset is represented as NFT, which can be found or created by players.
grand strategy game 大战略游戏,策略游戏
比方下棋, 红色警报, 王者荣耀
LUvIum Illuvium
Illuvium is an upcoming open-world RPG adventure game. Like Pokémon players can explore the world and capture deity-like creatures called Illuvials which are also NFTs. A key differentiating factor is the battle system. Similan to AutoChess, automated battles take place on a board. Players can earn Illuvium (ILV) through play while climbing the ranked ladder.
RPG adventure game. RPG战略游戏Role-playing Game角色扮演战略游戏,例如一些单机角色扮演和联网的魔兽世界,易水寒
Non-blockchain based-games like Fortnite, Dota 2, and Counter-Strike are examples of free-to-play(F2P) games that thrive on revenue generated from“skins”virtual fashion wear) and other cosmetic-related effects. The key difference, however, is that players do not technically own these skins. With NFTs, players are free to do what they want with the items.
While gaming offers both entertainment and economic freedom to players, establishing a balanced flywheel effect is challenging. The industry is still in its infancy; however, the potential upside and opportunities are endless.
flywheel effect 飞轮效应 这个效应呢比较的励志,静止的飞轮转动起来,一开始你必须使很大的力气,一圈一圈反复地推,每转一圈都很费力,但是每一圈的努力都不会白费,飞轮会转动得越来越快。 像不像努力学习的你,终将成功
If you're looking for new players to add to your roster, you can scour the marketplace to purchase the strongest footballers and your favorite players. You may deposit funds into your Sorare wallet using your credit card, bank transfers, or ether from your external crypto wallet. Cards are not priced in US dollars but rather in Euros, so check that you have the right amount of funds.
Roster 花名册scour 搜索
By partnering with large football clubs like Juventus FC and even esports organizations, such as Natus Vincere, Chiliz has been able to offer the respective teams’Fan Tokens via their own Chiliz exchange. Their native Chiliz token, CHZ, is used as the currency for their exchange and on their fan rewards app, Socios.
名为 Chiliz 的公司创建的名为 Socios 的平台主导着粉丝 Token 市场。这是因为他们中的大多数都以足球为基础,该平台已与顶级球队达成交易,其中包括:
巴塞罗那足球俱乐部(2022 年 8 月,Chiliz 以 1 亿美元的价格收购了巴塞罗那足球俱乐部数字工作室的股份——为NFT等布局)
国际米兰和曼城。米兰球迷们投票选出了 8 年来的第一首新进球庆祝歌曲,参与了官方球队大巴的选择,并对球衣设计进行了投票。
其实这就是所谓的FT,这里的F也可以理解成FANS——比如球队,铸造大量可替代 Token ( FT),然后将它们出售给粉丝,或以其他方式发给投资者。这些 Token 通常可以被允许在二级市场上零售,就像比特币或以太坊等加密资产一样。不过需要注意得是,这也意味着它们受制于传统的市场力量。粉丝 Token 通常赋予持有者一定的治理权。
Metaverse is the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual space, allowing users to experience it as either.4 The term was first coined in 1992 in the science fiction novel Snow Crash consisting of the prefix “meta” (meaning beyond) and the root word “verse”(meaning universe).
Simply put, a metaverse can be understood as a shared virtual space that resembles our experience of the physical world. For instance, players can buy virtual assets such as land and vehicles, hang out with friends, attend events, and more in the digital world.
Given the current limitations of technology, the full potential of a metaverse is still unknown. Still, non-blockchain metaverses have existed for many years.
Metaverse:元宇宙,META和VERSE,META指超越,VERSE指宇宙,更深层的宇宙,虚拟的宇宙。 这词最早是1992年的科幻小说[雪崩]创作的。你可以理解成一个拥有数字货币,数字财产,虚拟空间,虚拟地产,虚拟交际大厅等等的地方。
Furthermore, by utilizing blockchain technology, virtual assets such as lands and digital currencies can be rendered scarce since everything is recorded in the ledger. For example, even the project originators cannot create more lands in any particular digital area. A decentralized platform may also distribute the game’s stake to the community, providing community members the right to vote on any decisions that would change the metaverse.
Below, we will learn more about the pioneers of blockchain metaverse, namely Decentraland, The Sandbox, Cryptovoxels, and Somnium Space.
Rendered 致使You have rendered great service. 你们作了很大的贡献
Decentraland is a decentralized 3D virtual reality world powered by the Ethereum blockchain. It is overseen by the non-profit Decentraland Foundation and was first launched to the public in February 2020
Decentraland was initially created in 2015 by like-minded friends to “fight back” against centralized VR games.48 During its early stage, in what was known as the “Stone Age,” Decentraland was simply modeled in the form of a simple grid allocated to users through a proof-of-work algorithm.
Algorithm算法 这里是指一群人建设一个区块链的VR游戏,最早致使通过网格形式建模,通过POW工作量证明算法分配给用户。
In early 2017, Decentraland evolved into a 3D metaverse on the same blockchain. Over time, the 3D virtual space has grown to be integrated with the Ethereum ecosystem to utilize Ethereum smart contracts, which has enabled interactive apps, in-world payments, and peer-to-peer communication in the metaverse. Today, players may trade digital assets, socialize with friends, and even hold VR conferences, all while exploring this ever-expanding digital world.
As the name implies, Decentraland (decentralized land provides the community with complete control over their creation on the platform by representing these digital lands as NFTs. For instance, landowners will have full authority over the content built within their portion of land, which is specified by a set of Cartesian coordinates (x,y)
Landowners can build a range of items on their land, from static 3D objects to interactive systems like games and music plavers. Above all, Decentraland is free to play, and it does not require any blockchain knowledge to start. However, it is recommended to get yourself a digital wallet to enjoy the whole experience. A digital wallet like MetaMask will safeguard all your game assets and in-world progress as long as you keep your private keys secured.
To start playing Decentraland, go to play decentraland.org, click Play to connect your digital wallet. Afterward, follow the prompts in your digital wallet, then you may begin to personalize your avatar.
Cartesian coordinates 笛卡尔坐标
The Sandbox is a decentralized virtual world where you can create 3D objects, own digital assets in the form of NFT, build and play in an expansive metaverse, and monetize in-game creations. The project aims to provide artists, makers, and players the tools they need to express themselves through voxel art. a sort of art form in which 3D models are created entirely out of tiny 3D cubes called voxels.
Voxels 也就是3D的像素,或者翻译成体素。体素是存储体积数据的传统方法,可以表示从烟雾到3d打印模型,从骨骼扫描到地形表示的对象。
Interestingly, The Sandbox began as two centralized mobile games produced by Pixowl, The Sandbox (2012) and The Sandbox Evolution (2016).Both games are 2D sandbox games seemingly inspired by Terraria, but The Sandbox focuses more on user-generated content.
In early 2018, the team announced its acquisition by Animoca Brands and revealed its plans to create a new blockchain-based, multiplayer, cross platform 3D sandbox game. They aimed to redefine the sandbox gaming industry and disrupt major game developers such as Roblox and Minecraft with their NFT and Play-to-Earn model.
有趣的是,The Sandbox是由Pixowl制作的两款传统中心式手机游戏——The Sandbox(2012)和The Sandbox Evolution(2016)演变而来。这两款游戏都是 2D 沙盒游戏,似乎受到泰拉瑞亚的启发,但沙盒更侧重于用户生成的内容。2018年初,该团队宣布被Animoca Brands收购,并透露了创建一款新的基于区块链的多人跨平台3D沙盒游戏的计划。他们的目标是重新定义沙盒游戏行业,并通过他们的 NFT 和赚钱模式颠覆 Roblox 和 Minecraft 等主要游戏开发商。
The Sandbox is not just a regular sandbox game. It consists of three integrated products which provide players with a comprehensive sandbox gaming experience: Voxedit, Marketplace, and Game Maker. Voxedit is a free3D voxel modeling software that allows users to construct and animate 3D objects out of voxels. The artwork can be uploaded into an IPFS network(decentralized storage system), registered onto the blockchain as an NFT, and published on The Sandbox’s Marketplace to be sold as NFTs to potential buyers.
Lastly, the Sandbox Game Maker allows players to build their 3D games for free, with no coding experience required, as the program is designed to provide easily understandable visual scripting tools. Similarly, art and script can be bundled together to be uploaded and listed for sale as an NFT. Finally all the assets can serve as creative elements that would contribute to a vast metaverse, which consists of a capped total of 166,464 LANDS or digital real estate in The Sandbox
沙盒不仅仅是一个普通的沙盒游戏。它由三个集成产品组成,为玩家提供全面的沙盒游戏体验:Voxedit,Marketplace和Game Maker。Voxedit是一款免费的3D体素建模软件,允许用户从体素构建和动画3D对象。艺术品可以上传到 IPFS 网络(去中心化存储系统),作为 NFT 注册到区块链上,并在沙盒市场上发布,作为 NFT 出售给潜在买家。最后,沙盒游戏制作器允许玩家免费构建他们的 3D 游戏,无需编码经验,因为该程序旨在提供易于理解的可视化脚本工具。同样,艺术和脚本可以捆绑在一起,作为 NFT 上传并列出出售。最后,所有资产都可以作为创意元素,为一个巨大的元宇宙做出贡献,该元宇宙由沙盒中的上限总数为 166,464 个土地或数字房地产组成
Many people assume that NFTs are only for vanity reasons, used as profile pictures or displayed in virtual art galleries. However, certain NFTs can also carry some form of utility and grant special rights to the owners. From decentralized naming systems to attendance verification systems,NFTs can help smoothen the user experience and help creators ensure that the right participants are duly rewarded.
这段话的意思是说,NFT不仅仅是那些财富炫耀的头像——其实这里也值得商榷——例如现在的无聊猴子NFT头像持有人,每个人都会在每个月得到精准的广告空投,这些空投对广告方和NFT持有方都是高效率的。另外从去中心化命名系统到考勤验证系统,NFT 可以帮助平滑用户体验,例如你以后进入某公司写字楼总部,可能直接通过你拥有的HR远程投放的不同级别的NFT就可以实现。
We will be looking at some of these NFT projects that aim to add compelling use cases that bestow NFTs with useful functions, such as the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) and the Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP)
ENS:Ethereum Name Service 以太坊名称服务
Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP):出席证明协议
For instance, we have associated our Ethereum address
0x4Cdc86fa95Ec2704f0849825f1F8b077deeD8d39 to an ENS,
coingecko.eth.This makes it much easier for other users to remember and reference a particular address by using human-readable words rather than a long string of random characters.
It is similar to how Internet domain names work. For example https://www.coingecko.com/ is mapped to our server’s IP address where CoinGecko is hosted while coingecko.eth is mapped to our Ethereum address.
ENS functions similarly to a conventional Domain Name System(DNS used by websites around the world, and owners of ENS .eth domains have total control over their subdomains. Since we have control of coingecko.eth. we can create new subdomains like buzz.coingecko.eth and configure them to our liking.
ENS 的功能类似于传统的域名系统(世界各地的网站使用的 DNS,ENS .eth 域名的所有者对其子域名拥有完全控制权。因为我们控制了coingecko.eth。我们可以创建新的子域,如buzz.coingecko.eth,并根据自己的喜好配置它们。所有 ENS 注册都符合 ERC-721 标准,这意味着它们是可转让的 NFT。当它们在您的控制之下时,您可以将它们配置为具有其他记录,例如地址和社交媒体链接。如下所示,ENS持有者可以通过包括比特币,莱特币或狗狗币的钱包地址来接收来自其他区块链的货币。
注意, ENS 本质上也是唯一的,不可以替代的非同质化代币(NFT),可以在ENS应用程序上购买,或者如果其他人已经占有了你想要的名称,可以到OpenSea等市场上去竞价交易。并且美妙的是,可以创造子域名。
Proof of Attendance Protocol(POAP)
Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP) is an app that makes it possible to record the events you have attended. For instance, if you have participated in a concert, the physical ticket could serve as your proof of attendance. However, the physical ticket might get misplaced, and its proof lost forever.
Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP出席证明协议 (POAP) 是一个应用程序,可以记录您参加的活动。例如,如果您参加了一场音乐会,实体门票可以作为您的出席证明。但是,实体票可能会放错地方,并且其证明将永远丢失。使用 POAP,与会者在参加特定活动时会收到一个表示为 NFT 的数字徽章。活动组织者可以将POAP作为参加活动的纪念品,进一步吸引与会者,并作为延长活动组织者和与会者之间关系的桥梁。
For the collector, this offers a way to bookmark their life experiences. Each POAP collection will look very different and unique. POAPs are not just a collection of badges. It provides a story that can be shared with others.
Collectors can meaningfully engage with other people with similar interests from POAPs they own by using the badges as verification to access private chat channels.
The cost of minting POAPs is low because POAP NFTs are issued on the xDai blockchain, an Ethereum sidechain with fast and inexpensive transactions. Event organizers can decide the timeframe when the POAPs can be claimed and distribute the POAPs through a link or QR code to anyone who has attended the events.
The only requirement to claim a POAP is participating in the event and claiming the POAP using an Ethereum address. POAPs then show up in the address’s collection and can be viewed on https://app.poap.xyz/. Below is a guide on claiming your POAP NFT for each event.
铸造 POAP 的成本很低,因为 POAP NFT 是在 xDai 区块链上发行的,xDai 区块链是一种具有快速且廉价交易的以太坊侧链。活动组织者可以决定领取 POAP 的时间范围,并通过链接或二维码将 POAP 分发给参加活动的任何人。 领取 POAP 的唯一要求是参加活动并使用以太坊地址领取 POAP。(注意,以太坊地址不仅仅可以领以太坊,也可以领取以太系的其他TOKEN和NFT)然后,POAP 将显示在地址的集合中,并且可以在 https://app.poap.xyz/ 上查看。
1、POAP协议 使用POAP协议铸造POAP徽章或收藏品;
2、POAP.art 允许在共享画布上进行协作绘画的网站,并根据钱包中持有的POAP提供绘画访问权限;
3、POAP.delivery 将一些以太坊钱包地址列入白名单以铸造特定 POAP 的工具;
4、POAP.fun 任何人都可以用来创建抽奖的工具,只对特定 POAP 的持有者开放;
5、POAP.gallery 一种工具,POAP墙展示,以及可查看所有公共 POAP 丢弃的统计信息;
6、POAP.vote 任何人都可以使用该工具来创建针对特定 POAP 持有人的民意调查、外展调查、提案和通用投票;
7、POAP.website 一种用于通过自定义 URL(生成二维码)分发 POAP 的工具;
On 11 June 2021, PleasrDAO grabbed headlines by purchasing the internet's most iconic meme, The Doge NFT, at a whopping price of 1,629 ETH, worth roughly $4 million at the time of transaction.54 Short of amassing generational wealth, the general public has virtually no opportunity to gain ownership of this particular Doge NFT due to its astronomical price.
Meme 模因 弥母 whopping 极大的
meme是一个网络流行语,/ˈmiːm/ 是指在同一个文化氛围中,人与人之间传播的思想、行为或者风格。译为“模因”、“迷因”等,但通常在区块链世界和TOKEN一样被直接称为meme
meme这个词最初源自英国著名科学家理查德-道金斯(Richard Dawkins)所著的《自私的基因》(The Selfish Gene)一书,其含义是指“在诸如语言、观念、信仰、行为方式等的传递过程中与基因在生物进化过程中所起的作用相类似的那个东西。” 也就是“观念传播性基因”
道金斯认为meme具有遗传性meme具有变异性meme具有选择性. 这么看来,meme也很像是病毒呢!顺便说一下,道老师的学生就认为自己一旦发现meme的苗头——记得孙GE的标志性高峰(CHAO)笑容吗,记得凉席同学的兴奋脸吗——这是多么好的meme啊——自带快乐通俗文化传播节点——这个时代的注意力可以变钱!!!
The challenges highlighted above led the NFT community to ask this question - what if there’s a way to buy just a slice of the NFT rather than the entire piece?
Slice 切片 一片
In September 2021, many Doge lovers gained the opportunity to partially own The Doge NFT mentioned above as PleasrDAO decided to fractionalize the NFT and auctioned off DOG tokens representing fractional ownership of The Doge NFT. The batch auction raised 11,942 WETH in total, propelling the NFT to a record-breaking valuation of $225 million!56
2021 年 9 月,许多狗狗爱好者获得了部分拥有上述狗狗 NFT 的机会,因为 PleasrDAO 决定对 NFT 进行分割化,并拍卖代表狗狗 NFT 部分所有权的 DOG 代币。批量拍卖总共筹集了 11,942 WETH,推动 NFT 达到创纪录的 2.25 亿美元估值!
The fractionalized pieces of the NFT are considered fungible with one another. As they are fungible, users can trade these fractional NFT tokens through decentralized exchanges, similar to how fungible tokens are traded Users can provide liquidity to decentralized exchanges, thus lowering slippage for others.
Just like how Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) have allowed retail investors to own a part of real estate, fractionalized NFTs have also allowed investors to own a piece of a valuable NFT. Below we will look at three projects tackling the problem of fractionalizing NFTs-Niftex, Unicly, and NFTX. NFT的分片部分被认为是可以相互替代的。由于它们是可替代的,用户可以通过去中心化交易所交易这些部分 NFT 代币,类似于可替代代币的交易方式用户可以为去中心化交易所提供流动性,从而降低其他人的滑点。 就像房地产投资信托基金 (REIT) 允许散户投资者拥有部分房地产一样,部分化 NFT 也允许投资者拥有一块有价值的 NFT。下面我们将看看三个解决 NFT 分数化问题的项目——Niftex、Unicly 和 NFTX。
Slippage 通常区块链世界翻译成滑点,这个词本来是机械工程的术语,表示滑动所需要的[量],所以,其实更好的翻译就是滑量,这个词汇和“预言机”一样,是典型的区块链世界的糟糕而通行的翻译。
Niftex, one of the first fractionalized NFT projects, was launched back in May 2020, way before the NFT hype of 2021.It allows users to mint fractionalized NFTs that are called shards. Niftex initially focused on individual NFTs such as highly-priced Axies and CryptoPunks.
Although the first iteration of Niftex only allowed for the fractionalization of single items, Niftex V2 enables users to mint shards for a bundle of NFTs. Shard holders will also have governance rights towards the underlying NFTs.
For example, if the underlying NFT is a piece of land from Decentraland. any underlying utility, such as rent, can be distributed to the shard holders. Niftex supports different types of NFTs that can be included inside a bundle.
NFT hype NFT时髦期 hype: 被广泛宣传的人[事]
Shards: 碎陶瓷,碎片
NFTEX最早专注于单个的NFT, 分片的持有者也拥有对底层NFT的治理权
Even though Niftex started out by leveraging Uniswap v1, with the launch of Niftex v2, Niftex has decided to utilize its own exchange to incorporate features like royalty distribution.
Royalty distribution is a feature that allows royalties to be distributed to the NFT issuer each time the NFT is sold. NFT royalty may significantly improve the artists’ earnings where traditionally, artists have only benefited from the primary sales of their creations.
尽管Niftex最初利用Uniswap v1,但随着Niftex v2的推出,Niftex决定利用自己的交易所来整合版税分配等功能。版税分配是一项功能,允许在每次出售 NFT 时将版税分配给 NFT 发行人。NFT 版税可能会显着提高艺术家的收入,而传统上,艺术家只从其作品的初级销售中受益。
Unicly is a relative newcomer in the NFT space.
Users can lock a collection of NFTs through Unicly to issue fungible share tokens called uTokens, which represent ownership of the NFT collection. uTokens have governance rights over the collection, such as deciding which NFTs can be included in the collection. The structure is similar to an NFT fund since Unicly supports different types of NFTs inside a collection.
Unicly 是 NFT 领域的一个相对较新的公司。用户可以通过 Unicly 锁定 NFT 集合,以发行称为 uToken 的可替代股票代币,代表 NFT 集合的所有权。uTokens 对集合拥有治理权,例如决定哪些 NFT 可以包含在集合中。该结构类似于 NFT 基金,因为 Unicly 支持集合内不同类型的 NFT。
Unicly has a governance token named UNIC. UNIC holders can lock UNIC to receive xUNIC, which is eligible for 0.05% of the protocol’s volume taken in fees.
Unicly’s Automated Market Maker (AMM) exchange is called UnicSwap, a fork of Uniswap V2. Users trading uTokens in Unicswap are charged 0.3% as swap fee, of which 0.25% goes to uTokens's Liquidity Providers. The remaining fees are used to buy back UNIC tokens and subsequently distributed to xUNIC holders.
Unicly有一个名为UNIC的治理TOKEN。UNIC持有者可以锁定UNIC接收xUNIC,这有资格获得协议费用的0.05%。Unicly的自动做市商(AMM)交易所被称为UnicSwap,是Uniswap V2的一个分支。在Unicswap交易uTokens的用户被收取0.3%的掉期费,其中0.25%用于uTokens的流动性提供商。剩余的费用用于回购UNITY代币,随后分配给xUNIC持有者。
Although Niftex and NFTX sound very similar, they are anything but.Unlike Niftex, NFTX does not support the sharding of individual NFTs. NFTX focuses on creating funds for NFTs with similar attributes, thus helping to create a floor price for particular NFT types.
尽管 Niftex 和 NFTX 听起来非常相似,但它们绝非如此。与 Niftex 不同,NFTX 不支持单个 NFT 的分片。 NFTX 专注于为具有相似属性的 NFT 创建基金,从而帮助为特定 NFT 类型创建底价。
Users can redeem their NFTs anytime and bypass any redemption fees if they choose to redeem a randomized NFT from the vault. Alternatively, the user can pay a premium (5% targeted redemption fees by default) to select specific NFTs. As such, you should not deposit any NFTs that have high on sentimental value if you do not want to lose them to other collectors.
sentimental value 高情感价值
Uniswap V2 is an Automatic Market Maker (AMMthat allows the setup of any ERC20-ERC20 liquidity pools, which are completely fungible in nature. For instance, in a DAI/USDC pool, both DAI and USDC are equally and indiscriminately distributed along an xy=k price curve to cover all prices, from $0 to infinity.
Automatic Market Maker 自动做市商
这里需要先解释一下做MM市商,先讲个童话故事好了 :
假如 太平洋上有两个小岛,甲岛有一万个苹果,乙岛有一万个桔子。本来两岛都是用直接一比一的交换,风景美好。结果有一天来了阿拉伯商人好了。 阿拉伯商人告诉甲乙岛民,外面的世界,苹果桔子价格不一定等价的。要不你们每个岛分别存五千个苹果和五千个桔子在我海船这里(你先不要管阿拉伯人到底用什么办法说服这两个岛的人)。以后不管价格怎么变,你们终归是有公平价格的苹果和桔子吃。
现在阿拉伯商人提出新规则:这一万个苹果和桔子,海船总乘积价值是2500 0000元,总之,我这个库里必须保证不管怎么交换,总乘积价值是二百五十万元。
这里的总价值2500 0000 就是所谓的恒定乘积系数K=25 000 000
乙岛某大佬 卖了一千个桔子给阿拉伯商人------ 海船上现在有五千个苹果,六千个桔子。
5000个苹果乘以6000个桔子= K=25000 000 注意,这时候苹果和桔子参考K系数,价格已经变了。
这就是阿拉伯商人在船上做了一次市商。注意苹果桔子从原来的5000/5000,变成了 4166.66/6000
Lower fee earnings -Liquidity Providers(LPs)only earn fees on
a small portion of the capital they provide, which can be insufficient to offset the risk of Impermanent Loss (IL) they take on.
Impermanent Loss (IL)无常损失 ,也有误译为无偿损失的。英文字面理解其实是暂时财务损失的意思。
简单的理解, 例如你为UNISWAP的 ETH/DAI交易对提供了流动性资产,这一组合中的ETH价格在现实里价格增加了,而你的DAI没有,因此,你impermanent暂时的LOSS了。但是只要你不结束这个游戏,你就不知道最后ETH价格和你进场的价格哪个高,所以浮亏不是亏呗。
Uniswap V3 launched in May 2021 with new features and improvements. In this chapter, we will focus on the key implications of Uniswap V3 introducing non-fungible liquidity pools. This fundamental change is instrumental in addressing the flaws of Uniswap V2 and serves as an interesting example of the role that NFTs can play in the core design of DeFi products.
non-fungible liquidity pools不可替代流动性池
On top of “quantity”, Uniswap V3 positions need to account for an extra dimension of“liquidity concentration” For example, two LPs may have added $100 to the ETH/USDC pool, but their choice of liquidity allocation in terms of price range might be very different.
In this sense, their liquidity positions are not interchangeable and hence, non fungible.This is where NFTs come into play since non-fungible ERC-721 tokens are a more suitable fit to represent the unique positions of both LPs
liquidity concentration 流动性集中范围
除了“数量”之外,Uniswap V3 头寸还需要考虑“流动性集中范围”的额外维度 例如,两个 LP 可能在 ETH/USDC 池中增加了 100 美元,但他们在价格范围方面对流动性分配的选择可能非常不同。从这个意义上说,它们的流动性头寸是不可互换的,因此是不可替代的。这就是 NFT 发挥作用的地方,因为不可替代的 ERC-721 TOKEN更适合代表两个 LP 的独特位置
Solv Protocol is a DeFi platform that enables the minting and trading of financial NFTs called Soly Vouchers. Solv Vouchers are a form of derivatives product that represents vesting assets. Vesting is the process of locking up and releasing the tokens after a set period of time. This helps to ensure long-term commitment from early investors and team members, which will help to align their financial interests in furthering the project's growth and success.
Through Solv, projects are able to mint and distribute locked investment allocations in the form of Solv Vouchers to their investors, who are then entitled to any future token flows of the underlying assets.
Take the voucher above as an example. The allocation of 20,520 DODO is vested linearly for two years, which means that the voucher will be unlocked for redemption at a fixed interval. For Solv Vouchers, linear vesting releases the tokens every Ethereum block which works out to roughly 0.00488 DODO every 15 seconds. Other methods of release include one-time release and staged release.
Solv Protocol是一个DeFi平台,支持铸造和交易称为Solv Vouchers的金融NFT
This innovative approach in the treatment of NFTs paves the way for many new, exciting possibilities. Picture a loot box (which is an NFT byitself that contains a plethora of items ranging from aTokens to LP Tokens to other valuable NFTs, which is what Charged Particles have done in partnership with The Guild. This loot box can then be embedded within a blockchain game as a treasure chest containing other in-game items or even reimagined as a music album filled with individual music NFTs.
Loot战利品 Guild行业公会
这段文章是说 带电粒子项目可以让你拥有一个NFT篮子,这个篮子可以收纳你的TOKEN,NFT等等,以后也可能作为游戏里的宝石箱存在,甚至也会成为你的个人音乐箱,等等。
Additionally, with this NFT purchase, Visa still holds the asset on its balance sheet, which has roughly doubled in value since the purchase was made. The point is that acquiring an NFT can not only be used by individuals to flex but can also be used by companies and other institutions to build their brand and market themselves.
balance sheet资产负债表
The iced tea company has even bought other growing NFTs such as Pudgy Penguins and Cool Cats.
Buying an NFT automatically enrolls a brand into an exclusive club. Notably. members of the club will naturally become de facto brand ambassadors because it is in everyone’s mutual interest to grow the community.
Enrolls登记,编入enroll sb. as a member of a club 吸收某人为俱乐部会员
这种玩法是买入A项目的NFT立即自动获得B公司的会员身份 形成社区, 也便于广告商精确的区块链空投各种利益,对这种社区的空投广告效率远远高于街头小广告
Luxury giants like Burberry and Louis Vuitton have already implemented this method65 In Burberry’s case, they have collaborated with Mythical Games multiplayer online game Blankos Block Party to create an official NFT game character called Sharky B that can be purchased in-game.
Burberry这个公司很有意思啊,他们干脆自己发行NFT,和神话游戏多人在线游戏 Blankos Block Party 合作,创建了一个名为 Sharky B 的官方 NFT 游戏角色,可以在游戏中购买。
Burberry还在王者荣耀上给“瑶”出了一款联名皮肤(已惨遭下架),看来这个公司的互联网区块链嗅觉顶呱呱的,好评!路易威登干脆创建了自己的移动应用程序游戏Louis:The Game。该游戏讲述了吉祥物 Vivienne 前往巴黎的旅程,沿途玩家将收集 30 个 NFT,其中 10 个由数字艺术家 Beeple 设计。NFT 是可收藏的,但不出售,真的会玩!
Most NFT projects have a similar approach to how their NFTs will be used in the future. Be it as a profile picture or an in-game item, NFTs are usually considered as “finished products” and accrue more value as the project expands and continues to provide more benefits to the holders.
finished products 成品 accrue 增长,利息自然增值,孳息
After Dominik's announcement on Twitter, savvy crypto users quickly rushed to mint the Loot NFTs directly from the smart contract while newbies struggled. The opportunity to mint an NFT created by one of the co-founders of Vine motivated many to teach themselves how to interact directly with Ethereum's smart contracts.
LOOT的玩法就是随机的词汇 句子 LOOT本身免费但是要求用户在ETH链上通过LOOT智能合约生成
The “minting” period concluded quickly, and the community soon got thein hands busy trying to identify the rarest bags. Within a few hours, the community compiled a rarity list for items in each Loot bag
People collectively gathered that Divine Robes were the most coveted item. Although Divine Robes were not special on their own, the memetics was such that they catapulted their way into popularity, thereby granting special status and fetching higher prices. The community started organizing itself into various guilds for different items such as Katanas and Crowns, each with its dedicated chat room for community members to interact with each other.
Concluded 结束 coveted 艳羡的 memetic 模因物
Although the Loot project started slowly, the community started envisioning a future where these NFTs could be used as the building blocks for a completely new and vast fantasy role-playing game akin to the traditional Dungeons and Dragons game. However, several missing pieces are needed to complete this vision, such as locations, quests, and enemies to battle. As a result, this set off a chain reaction for the community to launch Loot spin- offs, known as Loot Derivatives.
尽管 Loot 项目起步缓慢,但社区开始设想一个未来,这些 NFT 可以用作类似于传统龙与地下城游戏的全新而庞大的幻想角色扮演游戏的构建块。但是,要完成此愿景,需要几个缺失的部分,例如地点、任务和要战斗的敌人。结果,这引发了连锁反应,社区推出了Loot衍生产品,称为Loot Derivatives。
Loot Derivatives are projects built on top of Loot NFTs and are meant to complement and fill the missing pieces of the Loot universe. One of them is Adventure Gold (AGLD), the currency for adventurers.3 AGLD are fungible tokens that players can use in a future fantasy world to transact with one another.
Each Loot NFT entitled its owner to claim 10,000 AGLD. On the day of the announcement, the amount of claimable AGLD per bag was about $50,000 Imagine receiving that amount just for minting a free NFT!
战利品衍生品是在战利品 NFT 之上构建的项目,旨在补充和填补战利品宇宙中缺失的部分。其中之一是冒险黄金(AGLD),冒险家的货币.3 AGLD是可替代的代币,玩家可以在未来的幻想世界中使用它们来相互交易。 每个战利品 NFT 有权要求其所有者索取 10,000 AGLD。在宣布当天,每袋可索赔的 AGLD 金额约为 50,000 美元想象一下,仅仅因为铸造免费 NFT 而收到这笔金额!
As of September 2021, there are well over 40 Loot derivative projects.Three major projects that have emerged are Realms, Abstract Loots, and mLoot. Realms is a series of generated maps with unique regions for the Loot world while Abstract Loot are animated artworks based on the Loot metadata. The third major project is mLoot, an extension of Loot that allows for more participation from those who missed the original Loot drop. Other Loot derivatives include Loot extensions such as pets, songs, guilds, mounts, and many more.
截至 2021 年 9 月,有超过 40 个战利品衍生项目. 已经出现的三个主要项目是领域、抽象战利品和 mLoot。Realms是一系列生成的地图,具有战利品世界的独特区域,而抽象战利品是基于战利品元数据的动画艺术品。第三个主要项目是mLoot,这是战利品的延伸,允许那些错过原始战利品空投的人更多地参与其中。其他战利品衍生品包括战利品扩展,例如宠物、歌曲、公会、坐骑等等。
Created by Andre Cronje, the founder of Yearn Finance, Rarity is a role playing game that was inspired by Loot and traditional fantasy adventure games like Dungeons and Dragons. Players select characters from various
RARITY是由Yearn Finance的创始人Andre Cronje创建(就是他发行了万倍币传奇币YFI外号大姨父),是一款角色扮演游戏,灵感来自战利品和龙与地下城等传统奇幻冒险游戏。玩家从各种角色中选择
The Colors
The Colors is a collection of over 4,000 images, each filled with thein distinctive shade of color. These NFTs can be used to create various derivative projects, which will use the metadata of your colors to define them. The Spirals is the first derivative project of The Colors. It uses the HEX and RGB properties to generate unique animated spirals.
颜色 颜色是超过4,000张图像的集合,每张图像都充满了独特的颜色阴影。这些 NFT 可用于创建各种衍生项目,这些项目将使用您的颜色元数据来定义它们。The Spirals是The Colors的第一个衍生项目。它使用 HEX 和 RGB 属性来生成独特的动画螺旋。
For the longest time, the perception behind blockchain technology has always been that of a payment network and closely related to finance use cases. However, NFTs have changed this; we can safely say that the blockchain is now akin to one big decentralized development platform, containing a swath of different assets and dApps, filled with identities, cultures, and communities that provide both financial and intangible social value.
NFTs also represent a new paradigm in the way we digitize physical assets and how we treat natively digital assets. As the world heads down the path of digitalization, the need for technologies that can securely authenticate digital assets will only continue to grow. NFTs fill this gap and have so much potential to change the way we function as a society.
Perception 认知 感知 akin 同种 血族swath割下的一行草[麦];(一镰刀的)刈幅;一系列
长期以来,区块链技术背后的感知一直是支付网络,与金融用例密切相关。然而,NFT 改变了这种情况;我们可以肯定地说,区块链现在类似于一个大型的去中心化开发平台,包含大量不同的资产和dApp,充满了提供财务和无形社会价值的身份,文化和社区。NFT 还代表了我们数字化实物资产的方式以及我们如何处理原生数字资产的新范式。随着世界走上数字化的道路,对能够安全验证数字资产的技术的需求只会继续增长。NFT 填补了这一空白,并具有改变我们社会运作方式的巨大潜力。
Any product or service that is or relies on an intermediary can be tokenized through an NFT.Clear cases ripe for “NFTing” are important documents like legal contracts, house deeds, insurance, and licenses.
Humans have long ascribed value to all sorts of things, but with NFTs we can even tokenize memes. This offers all sorts of exciting opportunities to develop decentralized brands and communities.
NFTs are not just redefining the way we perceive value but also how humans traditionally interact. Take a look at how the Loot NFT project developed. and you will see how NFTs and decentralization have affected the producer and creator economy. What we are witnessing is, in fact, the percolation of tokenization into communities, culture, and even ourselves.
长期以来,人类一直赋予各种事物价值,但有了 NFT,我们甚至可以标记模因。这为开发分散的品牌和社区提供了各种令人兴奋的机会。NFT 不仅重新定义了我们感知价值的方式,还重新定义了人类传统互动的方式。看看LOOT NFT 项目是如何发展的。您将看到 NFT 和去中心化如何影响生产者和创作者经济。事实上,我们正在目睹的是代币化对社区、文化甚至我们自己的渗透。
好了,到此,本人陪读结束,我的微信是vincent_schim 如果希望加入我发起的区快链研究社群,请加我的微信:)祝你学习快乐!