Optimism Rewards

2024-05-15 10:51
发布于 Mirror

TL;DR: The PoolTogether protocol distributes an additional 87,000 $OP in bonus rewards across five prize vaults until October 31st.

PoolTogether is a protocol for prize savings, enabling you to win ETH by saving crypto. The more you save, the more prizes you can win.

In April, the new PoolTogether launched on Optimism. Users can now win ETH, by saving a multitude of tokens. All prizes are automatically distributed. This article explains the bonus incentives that are live on Optimism for all.

Get paid to save

For the next six months, PoolTogether users get guaranteed bonus rewards by depositing into selected prize vaults. This means along with the chance for prizes, depositors will also receive OP tokens for their deposits.

➡️ Explore prize vaults and deposit to earn rewards

How can I earn OP Rewards?

Bonus rewards are live for depositors in the DAI, USDC, LUSD, WETH, and POOL/WETH prize vaults. All rewards accrue in real time and are dispersed in weekly epochs, based on your time-weighed average balance in a vault.

Current rewards for each vault are displayed on Cabana and Pooltime.

How long will the rewards last?

Bonus rewards on Optimism are live until October 31st and will unlock in three distinctive waves:

  • Wave 1 (May 16th): 21,750 $OP

  • Wave 2 (July 16th): 43,500 $OP

  • Wave 3 (September 16th): 21,750 $OP

This first wave of rewards unlocks tomorrow and distributes 21,750 $OP tokens over 2 months. Additional reward waves follow in two-month intervals.

How can I claim my rewards?

Claims unlock every Thursday at 5 pm UTC. You can claim your tokens every week on a PoolTogether interface of your choice, or wait for the rewards to accumulate, and claim them all at once.

➡️ Explore prize vaults and deposit to earn rewards

See you by the pool 🏊

The protocol can only reach new milestones together with you. Join us in growing PoolTogether, increasing prizes, and enabling more people to win.

If you still have questions, the PoolTogether community has got you covered:

Disclaimer: The PoolTogether protocol is permissionless and autonomous. Please understand the risks of using decentralized finance software before using the protocol.

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