The new PoolTogether

The new PoolTogether is live on and!
PoolTogether is your onchain savings account with superpowers: A no loss protocol for prize-savings, allowing you to win ETH by saving money. The more you save, the more prizes you can win.
Today, the new PoolTogether is live on Optimism. This release results from five years of research and development to solve some of the biggest problems in saving money and escaping one’s wealth boundaries.
How does it work?
At the core, PoolTogether remains simple:
Deposit into prize vaults for a chance to win
Prizes are sent out automatically in daily draws
Withdraw any time - even if you don't win
The prizes are derived from yield that accrues on all deposits, making it effectively no loss.
What makes this the best PoolTogether ever?
Since its initial launch in October 2023, the protocol has been simplified, hardened, and optimized.
Prizes in $ETH
You can’t spell PoolTogether without Ether. From now on, everyone is winning ETH on PoolTogether! No claiming necessary - prizes are sent to you in daily draws.
ETH is the number one token with unlimited liquidity across all chains, allowing PoolTogether to go wherever Ethereum is.
Ethereum’s Jackpot
The new PoolTogether is Ethereum’s jackpot, and with each cycle, this jackpot grows bigger.
The grand prize is awarded every three months on average. Each time the pot grows, and the grand prize value starts again from where it left off.
The more users save money on PoolTogether, the more compelling the daily prizes and the jackpot become. More deposits don’t dilute rewards; instead, they grow prizes for everyone.
No Governance, No Admins
With today’s launch, the protocol is fully autonomous and immutable.
The new PoolTogether operates independently and self-sufficiently, without any parameter governance and zero admin controls. Users can trust the rules of the system to never change.
Permissionless to the Bone
The PoolTogether protocol is a hyperstructure, credibly neutral, and fully permissionless in its nature. Anyone is invited to extend the PoolTogether ecosystem by adding assets, yield sources, prize vaults, or interfaces.
The new PoolTogether is live with out-of-the-box support for Aave, Beefy, and Yearn. More integrations are to be announced soon(tm). As a member of the 4626 Alliance, the protocol offers maximum composability through full ERC-4626 compatibility.
Prizes in the Front, Incentives in the Back
Winning prizes isn't the only way to benefit from PoolTogether. Anyone can earn fees and incentives for running the hyperstructure. Key mechanisms of the system are incentivized and public, allowing anyone to contribute to driving the protocol forward.
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Win with PoolTogether
The first wave of prize vaults is here. Deposit USDC, DAI, LUSD, WETH, or POOL for a chance to win ETH:
Bonus Rewards
For the grand OPening, four prize vaults are seeded with additional bonus rewards in OP.
All depositors of the USDC, DAI, LUSD, and WETH prize vaults are earning guaranteed rewards in addition to their daily chance to win big. Additional savings rewards for these, as well as other prize vaults, will be released as the vaults grow.
If you have deposits in PoolTogether V3, V4, or V5, you can easily migrate them using the migration app, starting tomorrow.
POOL Staking
Stake your POOL and have a chance to win ETH! The new POOL prize vault enables stakers to win a share of the prize yield. Moving forward, POOL prize vaults will be launched on every chain to which PoolTogether deploys.
Enter a new Era of Prize Savings
For users, PoolTogether offers a low-risk and simple way to save money, never lose, and potentially win big. Save to win, today.
For builders, the protocol offers endless options to customize, protocol-level incentives, and tooling to tap into permissionlessly. Learn more in the developer documentation and on the builders portal.
Join us on the road to the million-dollar grand prize. 🛣️🏆
Do you still have questions, need help, or looking to get involved?
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See you by the pool!
Disclaimer: The PoolTogether protocol is non-custodial and autonomous. Please be sure to understand the risks of using decentralized finance software before using the protocol.