Updates #1

2024-03-18 19:01
发布于 Mirror

I am lately more active on Paragraph. It does not mean that I do not like Mirror. I love Mirror. It’s just that Paragraph comes more practical for me nowadays because of certain features.

Hence, I am mainly writing on Paragraph, minting across Zora networks, and jabbering on Warpcast.

Hypersub Subscription

Hypersub by Fabric makes it easy for person such as myself to govern the flow of media across myriad channels. Anyone who wants to have a personal RSS of every move they make across the hybrid fields of web2/weeb3 would get what I mean.

Currently, people who subscribe to my Hypersub have access to full Paragraph posts, the artistic Warpcast groupchat alongside the /openfinance channel chat.

Please subscribe here:


The Latest Posts

I am only leaving my latest posts here since I cannot even manage to follow my own multi-media mints across 6969 networks. Nowadays, as I am working on a series of long-read posts on the protocol economics design around order flow, and sequencing; I am also posting on hypes:

WTF is /baseline markets?

I wrote on the details underlying the infinite liquidity engine, and basic AMM thereof, when it comes to the baseline markets and YES MONEY on the Blast network:


Upcoming Farcaster Tokens and Projects

I rather write these types of posts for myself either in Obsidian or Roam but I think it is nice that people might catch up with some DeFi primitives in the meantime, hence:


2022 Tagge. With ❤️ from Lambda