The Surge Volt 2 Starts Now: Join 590K Lineans and Counting

2024-06-18 13:33
发布于 Mirror

Linea Surge Volt 1 completed its objective and supercharged Linea, the world’s fastest-growing zkEVM L2. Today, The second epoch, dubbed ‘Volt 2’ begins with important updates to the LXP-L scoring system for users.

Since launching on May 17th, The Surge has catalyzed explosive growth of Total Value Locked (TVL) and daily trading volume on the network. This success is thanks to the collaboration of Linea dapp builders and an influx of new DeFi users joining Linea’s network to collect LXP-L in a high-speed, low-fee, and fast finality environment.

If you missed out on Volt 1, it’s all good, we’re just getting started. To join the other 590,000 users participating in Linea Surge, add your address to the referrals page and start LPing on Linea to collect LXP-L.

The Surge Volt 1 Growth

The Surge Volt 1 officially concluded on June 16th! Over the period from May 17th to June 12th, TVL on Linea and daily volume increased exponentially:

  • TVL grew by $416 million at 52%. (Growthpie)

  • Active TVL grew by $383 million at 130%. (Defillama)

  • Average daily volume grew 66.19% compared to the previous month.  (Defillama)

  • Peak daily volume was $93 million on May 20th. (Defillama)

Data Source: Defillama

Updates to Expect For Volt 2

Let’s cut to the chase - what’s new in Volt 2? From a participation standpoint, not much! You still need to join via a referral link and track your LXP-L collection via the OpenBlock Labs dashboard.

However, here are a couple of meaningful changes that users need to know about:

  1. Stablecoin boost: To deepen the liquidity of stablecoins on Linea, there will be a  boost to stablecoin Liquidity Provider (LP) pairs. Stablecoins are a low-risk position to take as an LP, especially in high market volatility. Starting in Volt 2, users can earn even more LXP-L by providing stables to their DeFi positions! The stablecoin boost is algorithmically calculated, adjusts in real-time, and therefore varies. It's based on the Dex objective function for the Surge program. View the full list of supported stablecoins on the OpenBlock Labs dashboard.

  2. Decrease in LXP-L: Total LXP-L collected by users decreases by 10%. As described in our docs, our goal is to maximize LXP-L for early adopters of the ecosystem. Every Volt, the total LXP-L generated decreases by another 10%. Volt 1 was a 100% modifier, now it’s a 90% modifier. Take advantage of Volt 2 before it decreases further! If your friends haven’t joined, you can generate a referral code and get them onboarded while the LXP-L flows at high volume.

  3. Decrease in Early Adopter Modifier: The EA Modifier boost reduces from 1.5x to 1.3x. Linea strives to create lasting relationships and mutual benefit with the people who first took a chance in our ecosystem. For those with the EA Modifier tag, you’ll continue to enjoy an extra 30% LXP-L generated by your positions.

  4. Veteran Points remain active: These are a small boost to DeFi groups who have helped make the Surge a success from Day 1. If you want to capture Veteran Points, the easiest way is to sign up as a participant in the Turtle Club.

On a side note, we’ve received feedback from users noting that periodically their preferred protocol stops generating points as measured by the OpenBlock Lab (OBL) dashboard, with Stargate v1 as a recent example. This issue typically arises when protocols make changes to their infrastructure or data pipelines, disrupting data flow to the OBL dashboard.

To remedy this, the protocol team itself has to update its code while working with OBL, a process that requires time. When this issue arises, Linea makes sure to raise it with the dapp-specific team but can’t implement the fix ourselves.

Keep Surge-ing On

The Surge will run for a total of six Volts or until we reach $3 billion in network TVL, whichever comes first. Our strong start is thanks to our growing community of Lineans and the OGs who have been here.

Remember, as the program progresses, rewards decrease. So get in on maximizing your LXP-L by joining Volt 2. You can visit the Open Block Labs dashboard to check your LXP-L and always dive into our docs to learn more about the program.

To join the Surge and activate your wallet head over to the referral system and start collecting LXP-L!

2022 Tagge. With ❤️ from Lambda