How to Add Liquidity for Post-Capitalism with BREAD

Breadchain Cooperative
2023-10-18 20:59
发布于 Mirror

In this article, we’ll show you how to add liquidity to the Breadchain managed BREAD/DAI liquidity pool on Uniswap V3 through Arrakis Finance. The Arrakis liquidity pool provides two core functions for the Breadchain Solidarity Primitive: allowing users to obtain bread without utilizing the Breadchain Crowdstaking Application, and protecting BREAD from outside speculation. In utilizing the liquidity pool, you are able to provide liquidity for others to swap BREAD with other tokens at a very tight price range on Uniswap V3, limiting your own risks from speculative price swings. Giving the ability for other users to swap BREAD helps keep BREAD in circulation so that they don’t need to burn their BREAD.Minting BREAD with DAI is great, but allowing users the capability of swapping any token for BREAD gives Breadchain more flexibility in how it reaches more users and help sustain those who get paid in BREAD.

You will need both BREAD and DAI to add liquidity to the pool so it is recommended that you check out our previous tutorial on minting bread that can be found here.

How to Add Liquidity to the Arrakis Liquidity Pool

1. Much like when minting BREAD you will need a wallet with MATIC in order to provide liquidity to the pool. Similarly you will also need both BREAD and DAI in order to provide equal amounts of each currency into the pool.

2. Navigate to the BREAD/DAI Liquidity Pool on the Arrakis website and connect your wallet.

3. Click the add liquidity button to begin the processing of adding to the pool.

4. Once you click the add liquidity button, you will be prompted to input how much BREAD or DAI you want to contribute to the pool. Note: When you fill in one field, the other will automatically adjust with the amount of the other token needed in order to keep the pool even.

5. Once your funds are in place, you will be asked to approve the contracts use of BREAD, then DAI.

6. Finally, you will be asked to confirm the transaction which will move your funds into the smart contract.

7. Congratulations! You have successfully contributed to the BREAD/DAI liquidity pool.

If you’re looking for another way to support post-capitalist projects, you can do so by giving to our Open Collective or purchasing the NFT associated with this piece. If you really want to look under the hood or contribute some development, you can check out our Github page. If you’re working on something that you think fits with the ethos of Breadchain, apply to have you project a part of the network. Be sure to also join the discord server and the Breadchain Guild.

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