AMA Recap - The Interweaving of MetaJuice and the IMVU Metaverse

飞猪 one_snowball
2023-07-14 09:49
发布于 Mirror

It is a great pleasure to invite Brendon Lindsey, Marketing Director of Metajuice, to talk about the relationship between IMVU and MetaJuice and the future plans of MetaJuice

1、Question: Can you tell me what MetaJuice and IMVU are?

A: Of course, MetaJuice is a division of Together Labs, specializing in blockchain-related matters. They mainly serve IMVU, which is the world's largest Web3 social metaverse, which you can use on Apple, Android devices or computers. The IMVU platform now has more than 350 million registered users and millions of monthly active users, and they are now using MetaJuice's technology to engage in cryptocurrency and NFT.

2、Question: How do IMVU users respond to these cryptocurrencies and NFTs?

Answer: In fact, at the beginning, many users were still unfamiliar with this, and even a little hesitant and uncertain. But as we slowly promote education, current users are more and more accepting of this technology, and they think this is also very good on IMVU.

3、Question: How does IMVU's metaverse handle and add value to these tokens and NFTs?

A: On IMVU, users can create their own unique digital identities and purchase various virtual items. However, before we introduced NFT and tokens, these items did not really belong to the user and could not be changed hands. Now that we have introduced NFT, we can more realistically simulate ownership in the real world, allowing users to have more profit opportunities.

4、Question: How does IMVU integrate the work of MetaJuice with the Web3 community?

A: There are more than 200,000 active creators on IMVU, who can create more than 10,000 new digital items every day. We now let them use the tools they are familiar with to create NFT projects, so that they have new ways to make money. At the same time, we are also joining hands with some excellent partners in the Web3 field to create NFTs and experiences on IMVU.

5、Q: What plans do you have next?

A: Our next plan is to fully launch Creator Studio NFT. Now, we already have some creators making their own NFTs on IMVU, and this number is growing rapidly. We also plan to introduce more Web3 functions, such as allowing users to access the space on IMVU through NFT, allowing VCORE holders to participate in the governance of the platform, etc.


Fan question:

Question 1: Can you tell us a little more about VIP member rewards and NFT rewards? How to get these rewards, what are the special benefits?

Answer: Of course, as a VIP member of IMVU, you can choose to subscribe monthly, so that you can get more benefits and functions in the Metaverse. As for NFT rewards, we often hold some activities, and those who complete the tasks can get free NFTs, but so far no players on IMVU have received NFT rewards. We also have an NFT project outside of IMVU called MetaCritters, but this can only be minted through the whitelist. With this NFT, rewards can be obtained both inside and outside the IMVU platform in the future. More specific reward information will be posted on Discord.

Question 2: What can creators and producers in the IMVU community get from VCORE rewards? Can you provide a little more detail on this reward structure?

A: We have launched the VCORE community bounty on IMVU, and the second community bounty is also in progress. For the first reward, qualified users who have completed KYC and accepted the reward can earn VCORE according to their participation on IMVU. For example, when they are active on the platform, how often, or the items they create, etc. In the future, we plan to do more of the same, but in a more streamlined and regular way. For example, provide VCORE as a reward to creators who make NFTs, or provide VCORE as rewards to buyers who buy NFTs or other items (such as VIP subscriptions) on IMVU, and reward those who do cool things in the metaverse users, such as building a welcome room or hosting a community event.

Question 3: Can you explain why IMVU will not become a fully decentralized platform or DAO? How can you give the community a voice and decision-making power while maintaining control?

A: IMVU has been a company-backed product from the beginning. We are not like other web3 projects in the new metaverse, those projects will add encrypted assets to the existing metaverse and change it into a DAO, it does not make sense for us to do so. Our community is always providing suggestions on features and updates to the platform, we also have multiple forums and other ways for users to communicate with our team, most of the items, rooms and experiences on the platform are created by users themselves . Through VCORE, we will introduce some governance-like functions to allow IMVU users to have a say in deciding and shaping the activities, events and functions on the platform.

Question 4: Can you explain in detail how VCORE will fit into the economy of the IMVU Metaverse? What are the main aspects of VCORE's impact on the economy?

A: VCORE has been integrated into IMVU's NFT market. Now, users can use VCORE to buy NFT on IMVU. We are still working on enabling VCORE to purchase more items on IMVU. We are also considering VCORE as the primary payment method for eligible users, expanding our gig marketplace on IMVU.

Question 5: Considering the success of VCOIN, what experiences and strategies does MetaJuice plan to draw on in this release to introduce VCORE into the economy of IMVU?

A: The most important lesson we have learned from launching VCOIN and NFT is to be patient and educate users. Most of our user base is transitioning from web2 to web3. For many, the language of cryptocurrencies is still new and potentially confusing. Therefore, we are putting a lot of effort into educating our users about what VCORE is, how this token works, and how to use it. Fortunately, unlike many ICO projects, IMVU is already a successful platform with its own revenue stream. This means that we can introduce VCORE and related features in a way that users can understand and enjoy, without rushing to bring products to market.



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